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Support MedievalScotland.org

Last updated 27 Jan 2006

The Medieval Scotland web site is a volunteer project; it is not run with any intention of making a profit. However, it does incur expenses. (See Financial Statement.) Please consider supporting Medieval Scotland through the various methods listed below:

(If income ever exceeds expenses, the excess will be used to fund further research and/or saved for use on planned web site projects, such as paying for the rights to use copyright protected images for the Historical Scottish Clothing Project.)

Associations & Affiliations

The following associations and affiliations have been entered into in an effort to defray the expenses of the Medieval Scotland web site. Please consider supporting Medieval Scotland by making use of them when you shop online! Periodically new associations & affiliations may be added — please visit again someday :-) [Clicking on one of the links below will open a new window.]

Association /
Description Cost to
You Get


After clicking on a link to Amazon.com from MedievalScotland.org, Medieval Scotland will earn at least a 4% referral fee on all your purchases made during that session.

Shop at Amazon.com

Cost of
Books & Stuff! 4%-7.5%+

After clicking on a link to Amazon.co.uk from MedievalScotland.org, Medieval Scotland will earn at least a 5% referral fee on all your purchases made during that session. If you click one of the direct links to an individual book (found on various pages of the site) and immediately put that book in your shopping cart, it will earn an extra 2.5% referral fee for Medieval Scotland.

Shop at Amazon.co.uk

Cost of
Books & Stuff! 5%-7.5%+

NFO Consumer Research

added 18 Jun 2001

NFO Consumer Research runs consumer research panels. Periodically they ask members to fill out surveys in exchange for an entry in a prize drawing and "rewards points" which can range in value from 10 cents to several dollars (you can get sent a check when you earn $10 worth of points). Note that they will ask you questions about yourself during registration! (They are a licensed member of TRUSTe and say they will not share your information with others.) NFO will pay Medieval Scotland $1.50 for every referral who registers with them and meets the following criteria:

  • 14 years or older and a resident of the 48 contiguous United States
  • Only one member per household
  • Must have online capabilities and a valid email address
  • Must submit the First Chance Survey that he/she is invited to take within a few days of registering.

(I've personally earned over $60 taking surveys in the last several years -- not a lot, but not bad for a few minutes work every few weeks.)

Register with NFO Consumer Research



Prize drawing
entries &
10 cents to
several dollars
per survey

Make a Donation

Direct donations can be made through the Amazon.com Honor System:

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

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[DrupalCon London icon] Help Sharon win a trip to attend DrupalCon London!
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