Please do not add direct links to this web page from your own web site. However, if you wish, you may add links to Quick and Easy Gaelic Names.

Gaelic Name Request Form

©1997, 1998 by Sharon L. Krossa. All rights reserved.

Last updated 20 Aug 1998

If you got to this page from anywhere other than the article "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" by Sharon L. Krossa, please take the time to read Quick and Easy Gaelic Names before filling out this form. It contains important information necessary for using this form correctly.

This is a form letter that can be used to request help from the Academy of S. Gabriel in forming an historically accurate basic Gaelic name and patronymic byname. Copy and paste it into your e-mail program, choose the appropriate options (deleting inappropriate ones) and fill in the blanks, then send to

(The article Scottish Names 101 is an introduction to basic Scottish naming concepts which can be found at Scottish Names Resources. If you have a Scottish persona, you really should read it.)

My apologies for this being an old fashioned cut and paste ASCII form -- a proper web form will be appearing soon.

Dear Academy of S. Gabriel,

I would like help forming an historically accurate basic Gaelic name &
patronymic byname.

My e-mail address is ______________________
(you must fill in this field, or no one will be able to respond to
your request)

I would like a name & byname suitable for a [choose one gender below]
     [ ] woman
     [ ] man

I would like a name & byname suitable for someone who is originally from
[choose one region below]
     [ ] Ireland
     [ ] the Gaelic part of Scotland (I have read Scottish Names 101)
     [ ] the Gaelic part of Scotland (I need to read Scottish Names 101)
     [ ] Other (please specify): _____________________________

I would like a name & byname suitable for someone who lives in 
[choose one region below]
     [ ] Ireland
     [ ] the Gaelic part of Scotland (I have read Scottish Names 101)
     [ ] the Gaelic part of Scotland (I need to read Scottish Names 101)
     [ ] Other (please specify): _____________________________

The earliest date that I am interested in is ____________. [Enter year. If
you don't know or don't care, please indicate that.]

The latest date that I am interested in is ____________. [Enter year. If
you don't know or don't care, please indicate that.]

My first choice for the given name (that is, for the first or Christian
name) is _________________ . If my first choice for the given name isn't
suitable, my second choice for the given name is _________________ .

My first choice for the father's given name (that is, for the father's
first or Christian name -- not his last name) is _________________ . 
If my first choice for the father's given name isn't suitable, my second
choice for the father's given name is _________________ .

[If you want a Scottish name & byname, delete this paragraph]
I would like an Irish name & byname, and I would like to use an Irish
clan affiliation byname. My first choice for my Irish clan is
_________________ . If my first choice for my Irish clan isn't suitable, my
second choice for my Irish clan is _________________ .

Please tell me the correct Gaelic form and spelling for my name &
byname. I would also like to know how it would be pronounced. In addition,
I would like to know what the likely documentary forms are for this name
& byname.

[Please add any additional questions you have, and/or more information
that might affect your name.]

Thank you,

_______________________ (Sign here ;-)

P.S. I found this form [please choose one option below]
     [ ] while reading "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names"
     [ ] elsewhere (please specify): _____________________________

The Academy of S. Gabriel has been getting a lot of requests and they go over their letters very thoroughly, so don't expect a response for two or three months.

Please do not add direct links to this web page from your own web site. However, if you wish, you may add links to Quick and Easy Gaelic Names.

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