Names From Old Edinburgh, 1597-1598
by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (Kathleen M. O'Brien)
© 2012 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 1.1, updated 12 February 2012
Thanks go to Effric Neyn Kenȝocht Mcherrald (Sharon Krossa) for feedback and
advice that has helped me improve this article,
especially regarding orthography and formats found in Scottish manuscripts that she has studied
from the first half of the 17th C.
The Entries
The names found in this article are taken from the Old Edinburgh Register,
the span of which from 30 Nov 1597 through 21 Mar 1598, was published in the
The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries, volume X, in 1896.
From the entries listed, this seems to be a marriage register.
However, there is no description provided for this source.
There is a reference to a portion of this register published earlier in
volume IX, but I have not yet been able to locate a copy of that volume to review.
In total, this transcription covers 183 entries, each of which lists two people in
the normal format for marriage listings of that time. Some examples include:
Patrick Dudgeon, wrycht, and Elspaith Levingstoun.
[p. 34, dated 30 Nov 1597]
Alexr bathgat and Margaret Clappertoun.
[p. 35, dated 03 May 1598]
Mr Robert Lermount, advocat, and Margaret skene.
[p. 38, dated 28 Feb 1598]
Note that the dates given follow the old year format where the new year began on March 25th.
Using modern notation, the last entry quoted above would be dated 28 Feb 1599.
From the variety of spellings shown in these entries, it is likely that
little to no spelling normalization was done when these records were transcribed in 1896.
However, it seems certain that punctuation editorial changes were made,
and perhaps some occasional capitalization changes.
See the "Punctuation and Capitalization" section below.
Z Used for the Yogh (Ȝ) Character
Yogh (capital Ȝ, lowercase ȝ) is a character that was used in Middle Scots and Middle English.
It was pronounced approximately like the y at the beginning of the words you or
yes in modern English.
A standard convention in 19th century when transcribing manuscripts into
typeface (and into the 20th century as well)
was to represent the yogh character (ȝ) using a z.
Entries in this list which exhibit this convention include:
Johnne Makilmun, tallor, and Christiane Zoung.
[p. 36, dated 12 Jul 1898]
Johnne henrysonne and Elspaith Zoung.
[p. 36, dated 19 Jul 1898]
Henrie zoung, baxter, and Jonat Walker.
[p. 36, dated 21 Jun 1898]
Thomas Zuill and Margaret tallour.
[p. 36, dated 15 Nov 1898]
Andrew pudzeon, tallor, and Jonat bowen.
[p. 38, dated 07 Feb 1898]
In these cases, the surnames Zoung, zoung, Zuill, and pudzeon
that appear in these entries respectively, would appear as
Ȝoung, ȝoung, Ȝuill, and pudȝeon
in the original manuscript.
Punctuation and Capitalization
According to Effric Neyn Kenȝocht Mcherrald (Sharon Krossa), the Scottish manuscripts that she has
studied from the late 16th C
have inconsistent capitalization in names and punctuation is mainly limited
to periods at the ends of sentences and commas to delimit clauses in a sentence, but not in lists.
Also, a mark that appears similar to an apostrophe is sometimes used to mark abbreviations, but an apostrophe
as we know it today does not appear in those manuscripts to indicate possessive.
The 19th C transcription of this list shows mixed capitalization but nearly perfect use of commas.
Based on the manuscript norms for 17th C Scotland described by Effric,
the inconsistent capitalization may well reflect the original documentary forms,
but the consistent use of commas are editorial additions inserted
when this transcription was created in the 19th C.
Construction Patterns
This list contains 183 entries, which list the names of 366 people.
In every case, the full name is formed using the pattern [given name] [surname].
Name Elements found in this Record
I have also extracted a complete list of full names found in this record.
In addition, I have compiled lists of locative phrases,
descriptions and
occupations that appear in this record.
While these locatives, descriptives, and occupations do not appear as a formal part
of the actual names, these lists
give an interesting insight into residents of Old Edinburgh at this time.
Hallen, A. W. Cornelius, ed. The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries.
vol. X. (Edinburgh: T. And A. Constable, 1896). pp. 34-38.
accessed 07 February 2012)
Other Resources
Black, George. The Surnames of Scotland. (The New York Public Library, 1993).
Dictionary of the Scots Language. (
Reaney, P. H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. 3rd edition.
(Oxford University Press, 1997).
Feminine Given Names | | Masculine Given Names |
Sorted By Frequency | | Sorted Alphabetically |
Name: | Frequency: |
Margaret | 36 |
Jonat | 28 |
Jonat | 23 |
Jonatt | 1 |
Jonet | 4 |
Marioun | 20 |
Marioun | 9 |
Marioune | 1 |
Agnes | 15 |
agnes | 1 |
Agnes | 14 |
Katharene | 15 |
Katharene | 7 |
Katharere [sic] | 1 |
Katharine | 2 |
Katheren | 3 |
Katherene | 1 |
Katherine | 1 |
Bessie | 10 |
bessie | 1 |
Bessie | 9 |
Christiane | 8 |
Elizabeth | 7 |
Issobell | 7 |
Isobel | 1 |
Isobell | 1 |
Issobel | 1 |
Issobell | 4 |
Elspaith | 6 |
Elspaith | 5 |
Elspuith | 1 |
Helene | 5 |
helene | 1 |
Helene | 4 |
Alesonne | 4 |
alesonne | 2 |
Alesonne | 2 |
Euphame | 4 |
Eufame | 1 |
Euphame | 3 |
Beatrix | 3 |
Beatie | 1 |
Beatrix | 2 |
Barbara | 2 |
Begis | 2 |
begie | 1 |
Begis | 1 |
Jeane | 2 |
Abigall | 1 |
Ester | 1 |
flurishe | 1 |
Jaquelene | 1 |
Lilias | 1 |
Magdalen | 1 |
Maissie | 1 |
Nicolas | 1 |
Sara | 1 |
| |
Name: | Frequency: |
Abigall | 1 |
Agnes | 15 |
agnes | 1 |
Agnes | 14 |
Alesonne | 15 |
alesonne | 1 |
Alesonne | 14 |
Barbara | 2 |
Beatrix | 3 |
Beatie | 1 |
Beatrix | 2 |
Begis | 2 |
begie | 1 |
Begis | 1 |
Bessie | 10 |
bessie | 1 |
Bessie | 9 |
Christiane | 8 |
Elizabeth | 7 |
Elspaith | 6 |
Elspaith | 5 |
Elspuith | 1 |
Ester | 1 |
Euphame | 4 |
Eufame | 1 |
Euphame | 3 |
flurishe | 1 |
Helene | 5 |
helene | 1 |
Helene | 4 |
Issobell | 7 |
Isobel | 1 |
Isobell | 1 |
Issobel | 1 |
Issobell | 4 |
Jaquelene | 1 |
Jeane | 2 |
Jonat | 28 |
Jonat | 23 |
Jonatt | 1 |
Jonet | 4 |
Katharene | 15 |
Katharene | 7 |
Katharere [sic] | 1 |
Katharine | 2 |
Katheren | 3 |
Katherene | 1 |
Katherine | 1 |
Lilias | 1 |
Magdalen | 1 |
Maissie | 1 |
Margaret | 36 |
Marioun | 20 |
Marioun | 9 |
Marioune | 1 |
Nicolas | 1 |
Sara | 1 |
| |
Sorted By Frequency | | Sorted Alphabetically |
Name: | Frequency: |
Johnne | 46 |
John | 4 |
Johnne | 42 |
Robert | 22 |
Robart | 1 |
Robert | 21 |
James | 21 |
William | 18 |
William | 17 |
Williame | 1 |
Thomas | 12 |
Alexander | 11 |
Alex. * | 1 |
Alexander | 1 |
Alexr * | 8 |
Alexr. * | 1 |
Andrew | 7 |
Andrew | 3 |
Andro | 3 |
Androw | 1 |
Patrick | 6 |
Patrick | 3 |
Patrik | 3 |
George | 5 |
David | 4 |
Adame | 3 |
Henrie | 3 |
Archibald | 2 |
Edward | 2 |
Paull | 2 |
Quintene | 2 |
Abacuih | 1 |
Abrahame | 1 |
Clement | 1 |
Gabriell | 1 |
Gilbert | 1 |
Hew | 1 |
Joseph | 1 |
Laurence | 1 |
Manur (?) | 1 |
Martene | 1 |
Mathew | 1 |
Niell | 1 |
Peter | 1 |
Rauffe | 1 |
Richard | 1 |
Roger | 1 |
Stevin | 1 |
| |
Name: | Frequency: |
Abacuih | 1 |
Abrahame | 1 |
Adame | 3 |
Alexander | 11 |
Alex. * | 1 |
Alexander | 1 |
Alexr * | 8 |
Alexr. * | 1 |
Andrew | 7 |
Andrew | 3 |
Andro | 3 |
Androw | 1 |
Archibald | 2 |
Clement | 1 |
David | 4 |
Edward | 2 |
Gabriell | 1 |
George | 5 |
Gilbert | 1 |
Henrie | 3 |
Hew | 1 |
James | 21 |
Johnne | 46 |
John | 4 |
Johnne | 42 |
Joseph | 1 |
Laurence | 1 |
Manur (?) | 1 |
Martene | 1 |
Mathew | 1 |
Niell | 1 |
Patrick | 6 |
Patrick | 3 |
Patrik | 3 |
Paull | 2 |
Peter | 1 |
Quintene | 2 |
Rauffe | 1 |
Richard | 1 |
Robert | 22 |
Robart | 1 |
Robert | 21 |
Roger | 1 |
Stevin | 1 |
Thomas | 12 |
William | 18 |
William | 17 |
Williame | 1 |
* name forms marked with an asterisk are abbreviations.
Surnames (Sorted by Frequency)
Surnames That Appear Four Times or More |
Name: | Frequency: |
broun | 11 |
broun | 10 |
broune | 1 |
Andersonne | 5 |
Andersone | 1 |
andersonne | 2 |
Andersonne | 2 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Henrysonne | 5 |
henrysonne | 2 |
Henrysonne | 3 |
huntter | 5 |
hunter | 1 |
huntter | 3 |
Huntter | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
ballendyne | 4 |
balendyne | 1 |
ballendyne | 2 |
ballentyne | 1 |
Finlawsoune | 4 |
finlawsone | 1 |
finlawsonne | 1 |
Finlawsoune | 1 |
finlaysonne | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Grahame | 4 |
Graham | 1 |
grahame | 2 |
Grahame | 1 |
robesonne | 4 |
robesonne | 3 |
robsonne | 1 |
Somerveill | 4 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Somerveill | 1 |
Somervell | 1 |
Thomesonne | 4 |
thomesonne | 2 |
Thomesonne | 2 |
[Ȝoung] | 4 |
zoung * | 2 |
Zoung ** | 2 |
* Note: likely ȝoung in the original manuscript. |
** Note: likely Ȝoung in the original manuscript. |
Surnames That Appear Three Times |
Name: | Frequency: |
Adamesonne | 3 |
arnot | 3 |
arnot | 2 |
Arnot | 1 |
clerk | 3 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Diksonne | 3 |
Diksone | 1 |
Diksonne | 2 |
gibsonne | 3 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Johnestoun | 3 |
Johnestoun | 1 |
Johnnestonn | 1 |
Johnstoune | 1 |
Lowrie | 3 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Myller | 3 |
Miller | 1 |
myller | 1 |
Myller | 1 |
nicoll | 3 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Smyth | 3 |
smyth | 2 |
Smyth | 1 |
Wilsonne | 3 |
Wilsonne | 2 |
wilsoune | 1 |
Woddell | 3 |
Surnames That Appear Twice |
Name: | Frequency: |
achesonne | 2 |
aikman | 2 |
cochrane | 2 |
craige | 2 |
craige | 1 |
craigie | 1 |
Davidsone | 2 |
Davidsone | 1 |
Davidsonne | 1 |
Dick | 2 |
Dick | 1 |
Dik | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Dowgall | 2 |
Dudgeon | 2 |
dudgeon | 1 |
Dudgeon | 1 |
ellet | 2 |
frissell | 2 |
frissel | 1 |
frissell | 1 |
galbraith | 2 |
gourlay | 2 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Hepburne | 2 |
hepburne | 1 |
Hepburne | 1 |
ker | 2 |
Knox | 2 |
Lokhart | 2 |
Lokart | 1 |
Lokhart | 1 |
Louche | 2 |
Machen | 2 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Mcgill | 2 |
Moseman | 2 |
Mure | 2 |
patersonne | 2 |
pollert | 2 |
porteous | 2 |
primrose | 2 |
primros | 1 |
primrose | 1 |
ramsay | 2 |
rankene | 2 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Speir | 2 |
speir | 1 |
Speir | 1 |
Symountoun | 2 |
tod | 2 |
Traquair | 2 |
traquair | 1 |
Traquair | 1 |
Walker | 2 |
Wauche | 2 |
wood | 2 |
Surnames That Only Appear Once
adingstoun |
aitkin |
Alexander |
andrew |
Anenislie |
annan |
Ards (?) |
Arthour |
Aytoun |
baine |
balfour |
balloche |
bankes |
barker |
barklay |
bartilmo |
bassinden |
bathgat |
beith |
bell |
binny |
blair |
blak |
bog |
borthwik |
bowen |
boyd |
boyll |
bradfute |
braidie |
brise |
bruce |
buchanan |
burehill |
burges |
burgon |
burrell |
Cahoun |
Cathkin |
chapman |
Charters |
christie |
Clappertoun |
clerksonne |
cok |
cokie |
coult |
Courtes |
cowan |
cowstoun |
creichtoun |
cruikschank |
Dalmahoy |
Darling |
Davesonne |
dawsonne |
Dewar |
Dowlgas |
dryburgh |
Drymen |
Drysdaill |
Dunaldsone |
Dunbar |
d'voucht |
Dykes |
edzer |
fairie |
fairservice |
farthe |
fergusonne |
fineis |
fischer |
fithie |
folkart |
forman |
forrest |
forret |
fortoun |
foster |
fylder |
Gardin |
gilchrist |
gilmore |
gleghorne |
glen |
gordon |
Gowdie |
Gray |
grenelaw |
hadden |
Hamiltoune |
harper |
Hart |
heriot |
heron |
herries |
Higger |
Hill |
home |
houstoun |
howesonne |
inglis |
innrie |
Jack |
Joncking |
Kellie |
Kirkcadie |
Knublo |
Kosche |
lambe |
Lawrie |
Lawsonne |
Lennox |
Leomont |
Lermount |
Levingstoun |
Libbertoun |
Littiljohnne |
Loue |
Lyndsay |
Macgregour |
Makilmun |
Marschell |
Maschet |
Mawll |
Maxwell |
Mayne |
Mccalley |
Mccubene |
Mckie |
Mcknab |
Mcmychaell |
Mcquharg |
Merschell |
M'gregour |
Mitchell |
M'nache |
modrell |
Monteith |
Moresonne |
Mudie |
Mureheid |
Mytchelhie |
Nasmyth |
Neblo |
Nemok |
Nevene |
nicolsonne |
Nisbet |
Norwall |
noteman |
orok |
oustiane |
pacok |
pape |
park |
peirsone |
pennicuk |
pennie |
philip |
pikken |
porterfeild |
prestoun |
pudzeon *** |
pursell |
pyot |
quhippo |
Ralstoun |
rantoun |
rattray |
ray |
reid |
robertsonne |
roger |
rychardsoune |
Sandilands |
Scharp |
schaw |
Scot |
Seatoun |
skene |
small |
spens |
Spittell |
Sprot |
Stenhope |
Stevinsonne |
stewart |
Stoddart |
strang |
stratoun |
Struthers |
swyntoun |
Symsonne |
tailefor |
tait |
tallour |
Thayne |
turnbull |
Uddart |
Urguhard |
Vaws |
Wallace |
Wardlaw |
Watsonne |
Weill |
Weir |
Wilkie |
wyllie |
Zuill **** |
*** Note: likely pudȝeon in the original manuscript. |
**** Note: likely Ȝuill in the original manuscript. |
Surnames (Sorted Alphabetically)
Surnames beginning with A through D |
Name: | Frequency: |
achesonne | 2 |
Adamesonne | 3 |
adingstoun | 1 |
aikman | 2 |
aitkin | 1 |
Alexander | 1 |
Andersonne | 5 |
Andersone | 1 |
andersonne | 2 |
Andersonne | 2 |
andrew | 1 |
Anenislie | 1 |
annan | 1 |
Ards (?) | 1 |
arnot | 3 |
arnot | 2 |
Arnot | 1 |
Arthour | 1 |
Aytoun | 1 |
baine | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
balfour | 1 |
ballendyne | 4 |
balendyne | 1 |
ballendyne | 2 |
ballentyne | 1 |
balloche | 1 |
bankes | 1 |
barker | 1 |
barklay | 1 |
bartilmo | 1 |
bassinden | 1 |
bathgat | 1 |
beith | 1 |
bell | 1 |
binny | 1 |
blair | 1 |
blak | 1 |
bog | 1 |
borthwik | 1 |
bowen | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
boyd | 1 |
boyll | 1 |
bradfute | 1 |
braidie | 1 |
brise | 1 |
broun | 11 |
broun | 10 |
broune | 1 |
bruce | 1 |
buchanan | 1 |
burehill | 1 |
burges | 1 |
burgon | 1 |
burrell | 1 |
Cahoun | 1 |
Cathkin | 1 |
chapman | 1 |
Charters | 1 |
christie | 1 |
Clappertoun | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
clerk | 3 |
clerksonne | 1 |
cochrane | 2 |
cok | 1 |
cokie | 1 |
coult | 1 |
Courtes | 1 |
cowan | 1 |
cowstoun | 1 |
craige | 2 |
craige | 1 |
craigie | 1 |
creichtoun | 1 |
cruikschank | 1 |
Dalmahoy | 1 |
Darling | 1 |
Davesonne | 1 |
Davidsone | 2 |
Davidsone | 1 |
Davidsonne | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
dawsonne | 1 |
Dewar | 1 |
Dick | 2 |
Dick | 1 |
Dik | 1 |
Diksonne | 3 |
Diksone | 1 |
Diksonne | 2 |
Dowgall | 2 |
Dowlgas | 1 |
dryburgh | 1 |
Drymen | 1 |
Drysdaill | 1 |
Dudgeon | 2 |
dudgeon | 1 |
Dudgeon | 1 |
Dunaldsone | 1 |
Dunbar | 1 |
d'voucht | 1 |
Dykes | 1 |
Surnames beginning with E through L |
Name: | Frequency: |
edzer | 1 |
ellet | 2 |
fairie | 1 |
fairservice | 1 |
farthe | 1 |
fergusonne | 1 |
fineis | 1 |
Finlawsoune | 4 |
finlawsone | 1 |
finlawsonne | 1 |
Finlawsoune | 1 |
finlaysonne | 1 |
fischer | 1 |
fithie | 1 |
folkart | 1 |
forman | 1 |
forrest | 1 |
forret | 1 |
fortoun | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
foster | 1 |
frissell | 2 |
frissel | 1 |
frissell | 1 |
fylder | 1 |
galbraith | 2 |
Gardin | 1 |
gibsonne | 3 |
gilchrist | 1 |
gilmore | 1 |
gleghorne | 1 |
glen | 1 |
gordon | 1 |
gourlay | 2 |
Gowdie | 1 |
Grahame | 4 |
Graham | 1 |
grahame | 2 |
Grahame | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Gray | 1 |
grenelaw | 1 |
hadden | 1 |
Hamiltoune | 1 |
harper | 1 |
Hart | 1 |
Henrysonne | 5 |
henrysonne | 2 |
Henrysonne | 3 |
Hepburne | 2 |
hepburne | 1 |
Hepburne | 1 |
heriot | 1 |
heron | 1 |
herries | 1 |
Higger | 1 |
Hill | 1 |
home | 1 |
houstoun | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
howesonne | 1 |
huntter | 5 |
hunter | 1 |
huntter | 3 |
Huntter | 1 |
inglis | 1 |
innrie | 1 |
Jack | 1 |
Johnestoun | 2 |
Johnestoun | 1 |
Johnnestonn | 1 |
Johnstoune | 1 |
Joncking | 1 |
Kellie | 1 |
ker | 2 |
Kirkcadie | 1 |
Knox | 2 |
Knublo | 1 |
Kosche | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
lambe | 1 |
Lawrie | 1 |
Lawsonne | 1 |
Lennox | 1 |
Leomont | 1 |
Lermount | 1 |
Levingstoun | 1 |
Libbertoun | 1 |
Littiljohnne | 1 |
Lokhart | 2 |
Lokart | 1 |
Lokhart | 1 |
Louche | 2 |
Loue | 1 |
Lowrie | 3 |
Lyndsay | 1 |
Surnames beginning with M through S |
Name: | Frequency: |
Macgregour | 1 |
Machen | 2 |
Makilmun | 1 |
Marschell | 1 |
Maschet | 1 |
Mawll | 1 |
Maxwell | 1 |
Mayne | 1 |
Mccalley | 1 |
Mccubene | 1 |
Mcgill | 2 |
Mckie | 1 |
Mcknab | 1 |
Mcmychaell | 1 |
Mcquharg | 1 |
Merschell | 1 |
M'gregour | 1 |
Mitchell | 1 |
M'nache | 1 |
modrell | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Monteith | 1 |
Moresonne | 1 |
Moseman | 2 |
Mudie | 1 |
Mure | 2 |
Mureheid | 1 |
Myller | 2 |
Miller | 1 |
myller | 1 |
Myller | 1 |
Mytchelhie | 1 |
Nasmyth | 1 |
Neblo | 1 |
Nemok | 1 |
Nevene | 1 |
nicoll | 3 |
nicolsonne | 1 |
Nisbet | 1 |
Norwall | 1 |
noteman | 1 |
orok | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
oustiane | 1 |
pacok | 1 |
pape | 1 |
park | 1 |
patersonne | 2 |
peirsone | 1 |
pennicuk | 1 |
pennie | 1 |
philip | 1 |
pikken | 1 |
pollert | 2 |
porteous | 2 |
porterfeild | 1 |
prestoun | 1 |
primrose | 2 |
primros | 1 |
primrose | 1 |
[pudȝeon] | 1 |
pudzeon * | 1 |
pursell | 1 |
pyot | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
quhippo | 1 |
Ralstoun | 1 |
ramsay | 2 |
rankene | 2 |
rantoun | 1 |
rattray | 1 |
ray | 1 |
reid | 1 |
robertsonne | 1 |
robesonne | 4 |
robesonne | 3 |
robsonne | 1 |
roger | 1 |
rychardsoune | 1 |
Sandilands | 1 |
Scharp | 1 |
schaw | 1 |
Scot | 1 |
Seatoun | 1 |
skene | 1 |
small | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Smyth | 3 |
smyth | 2 |
Smyth | 1 |
Somerveill | 4 |
Somerveill | 1 |
Somervell | 1 |
Speir | 2 |
speir | 1 |
Speir | 1 |
spens | 1 |
Spittell | 1 |
Sprot | 1 |
Stenhope | 1 |
Stevinsonne | 1 |
stewart | 1 |
Stoddart | 1 |
strang | 1 |
stratoun | 1 |
Struthers | 1 |
swyntoun | 1 |
Symountoun | 2 |
Symsonne | 1 |
* Note: likely pudȝeon the original manuscript. |
Surnames beginning with T through Z |
Name: | Frequency: |
tailefor | 1 |
tait | 1 |
tallour | 1 |
Thayne | 1 |
Thomesonne | 4 |
thomesonne | 2 |
Thomesonne | 2 |
tod | 2 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Traquair | 2 |
traquair | 1 |
Traquair | 1 |
turnbull | 1 |
Uddart | 1 |
Urguhard | 1 |
Vaws | 1 |
Walker | 2 |
Wallace | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Wardlaw | 1 |
Watsonne | 1 |
Wauche | 2 |
Weill | 1 |
Weir | 1 |
Wilkie | 1 |
Wilsonne | 3 |
Wilsonne | 2 |
wilsoune | 1 |
Name: | Frequency: |
Woddell | 3 |
wood | 2 |
wyllie | 1 |
[Ȝoung] | 4 |
zoung | 2 |
Note: likely ȝoung in the original manuscript. |
Zoung | 2 |
Note: likely Ȝoung in the original manuscript. |
[Ȝuill] | 1 |
Zuill | 1 |
Note: likely Ȝuill in the original manuscript. |
Descriptions |
Note: these descriptions do not appear as a formal part of the actual names.
This list is provided to give an insight into descriptions applied to some of the residents of
Old Edinburgh at this time. |
Description: | Frequency: | Notes: |
indwellour | 1 | "A resident, an inhabitant." |
Locative Phrases |
Note: these phrases do not appear as a formal part of the actual name.
Instead, they appear after the name, more like a modern address.
Locative Phrases: | Frequency: | Notes: |
Drymen | 1 | |
of Lowtoun | 1 | |
Occupations |
Note: these occupations do not appear as a formal part of the actual names.
This list is provided to give an insight into some of the professions practiced by residents of Old Edinburgh at this time. |
Occupation: | Frequency: | Notes: |
advocat | 3 | "A professional pleader in a court of justice" (so, a lawyer) |
advocat | 2 |
aicut (?) | 1 | seems to be a garbled abbreviation for advocate |
armorer | 3 | a maker of armor |
baxter | 8 | a baker |
browster | 2 | a brewer |
buikbinder | 1 | a bookbinder |
chirurgeon | 1 | "A surgeon." |
copmaker | 1 | probably a cup-maker |
cordiner | 7 | a variant of "cordwainer" - a shoemaker |
cuik | 1 | "cook" |
cuttelor | 1 | a cutler - a maker of knives |
fischer | 1 | a fisherman |
fleschour | 3 | "flesher" - a butcher |
fleschor | 1 |
fleschour | 2 |
glasinwricht | 1 | a glasswright - a maker of glass |
goldsmith | 2 |
goldsmith | 1 |
goldsmyth | 1 |
Lorrimer | 2 | "One who makes the metal parts of a horse's bridle and harness, a worker in small iron-work." |
Loremeir | 1 |
Lorrimer | 1 |
maltman | 2 | "A malt-maker, maltster; also, a dealer in malt." |
maltã | 1 | abbreviation |
maltman | 1 |
marchant | 43 | a merchant |
marchant | 4 |
merchant | 2 |
m)chant | 36 | abbreviation * |
m)rchant | 1 | abbreviation * |
| |
Occupation: | Frequency: | Notes: |
masonne | 3 | "mason" |
masone | 1 |
masonne | 2 |
meilmaker | 1 | |
messinger | 2 | "A messenger, courier or envoy." |
minister | 1 | |
Officer | 2 | |
sadler | 2 | "saddler" - a saddlemaker |
schoolmaster | 1 | |
sclatter | 1 | "one whose trade is to lay slates on rooms of houses" |
skinner | 4 |
skinner | 3 |
skynner | 1 |
smyth | 1 | "smith" |
stabler | 4 | runs a stable |
tallor | 19 | "tailor" |
taillor | 1 |
taillour | 2 |
tallor | 5 |
tallor | 6 |
tallour | 5 |
travellour | 2 | "One who travels, a traveller or wayfarer." |
travellor | 1 |
travellour | 1 |
webster | 1 | a weaver |
workman | 4 | "workman, laborer" |
wricht | 6 | "wright" |
wricht | 3 |
wrycht | 3 |
writter | 9 |
* In this abbreviation, m) indicates a scribal mark that looks like an m with a vertical curving stroke issuing from the upper right corner of the m.
Medieval Scotland | Medieval Names Archive | Names From Old Edinburgh, 1597-1598
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