Out of frustration at not being able to order an official yard sign or find a good print your own "No on Prop 8" sign or poster online, I've made my own based on the No On 8 campaign's logo. Since I'm sure there are others out there who would like to be able to put up signs but can't find any either, here are 8.5 x 11 inch images you can download and print out for yourself, so you, too, can put up No on Proposition 8 signs. I added "Another Catholic Urging" to my sign, and below you'll find versions that say "Christian", "Mormon", "Jew", "Muslim", "Buddhist", "Hindu", and "Straight Married Couple". There is also an image that you can add your own text to, as well as one with just the No on 8 message centered vertically. If you make a new version and think others might want to use it, too, please email me (noprop8-slk AT MedievalScotland DOT org) and I'll add it to this page (if I think it is appropriate -- please, nothing sexually explicit or offensive!)
Please also donate to the No on 8 campaign -- the Yes on 8 campaign is flooding the airwaves with their dishonest ads and the No campaign needs help in order to combat them.