Names Found in 17th C Wills from the Shetland Islands, Scotland: Women's Full Names

by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (Kathleen M. O'Brien)

© 2013 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 1.0, updated 28 June 2013

Women's Full Names

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CountYearMonthDayEntry TextVol.PageCol.No.
Agnes41Agnes401613070522. Agnes Mowat in Cliff, died June 1601, Walter Gray her son.10179222
1613070527. Erasmus Magnusson in Uragarth, and Agnes Williamsdochter his spouse.10179227
1613070529. John Coupland in Skae, died May 1608, Henry, William, Magnus, James, Ingagarth, and Agnes, his children.10179229
16130719109. Agnes Bothwellsdochter, spouse of Schewart in Quayfirth.101802109
16130719121. Agnes Magnusdochter, spouse of Erasmus Johnson in Gardiehouse.101802121
16130724137. Agnes Olasdochter, spouse to deceased Ola Manson in Neschdoun.101811137
16130731163. Agnes Erasmusdochter, spouse of Erasmus Olawson in Uzea, Northmaven.101812163
16130731164. Agnes Thomesdochter, spouse of Nicol Olawson in Papa (little), Aithsting. 101812164
16130820204. Agnes Symondsdochter in Sound Tingwall.101822204
16150904264. Andrew Colt in Melbie, Sandness, died 1615. Jerome his son, and Marion and Agnes his daughters11391264
16150917221. James Strang of Voesgarth, Unst, died July 1603, Christian Sinclair his relict, and James, Agnes, Eliza, Helen, and Marie his children.101822221
16150917225. Agnes Gray, spouse to James Silvesterson in Hoverstay, Unst, died May 1615, Laurence and Bartholomew her sons.101822225
16150917231. Agnes Erasmusdochter, spouse of James Burger in Collasetter, Yell.101831231
16150923275. Agnes Jacobsdochter, relict of James Sinclair of Worbister in Burra.11392275
16201030305. Andrew Gifford of Wodderstay, Delting, died 10th January 1620. Agnes Robertson his relict, John and Gilbert his sons.11911305
16240328359. William Bult in Sistay, Bressay, died December 1622. Grissel Smith his relict, Katherine and Agnes his daughters.111341359
16250901379. Agnes Nicolsdochter, spouse of Martin Manson in Housbister, Nesting.111342379
16270723415. Donald Mowat in Haisgasetter, Fetlar, died September 1625. Agnes Manssdochter his relict.111351415
16281028453. Thomas Cheyne of Valay, Walls, died June 1626. Agnes Strang, his relict, and Laurence and James his children.12372453
16290811462. Agnes Antounsdochter in Collasetter, Unst.12372462
16290811465. Andro Androison in Cliff, Unst, died March 1629. Ingagarth Androisdochter, his relict, and Sinnevo and Agnes his children.12372465
16300717492. Agnes Hay in Wailzie, Unst, died May 1629. Andrew Hay her brother's son.12381492
16300807523. Katherine Sinclair, spouse to Bartelmo Hawick of Nischeam, Delting, died March 1622. Janet, Elspeth, and Agnes Hawicks her children.12391523
16310704546. Nicol Fressir in Scae, died February, 1630. Katherine his relict, Agnes his daughter.12392546
16310810568. Agnes Henriesdochter, spouse to Thomas Gait in Setter, Yell.12392568
16350903635. Robert Punt in Skeggar, died January 1635. Agnes Strang his relict, David (eldest), William, and Helen his children.12892635
16350903636. Agnes Pount, spouse of Laurence Andersone in Soitland, died February 1635. Marion, Agnes, and Christian her children.12892636
16350903636. Agnes Pount, spouse of Laurence Andersone in Soitland, died February 1635. Marion, Agnes, and Christian her children.12892636
16350903638. William Gray in Cliff, died February 1634. Sinnevo Schewartsdochter his relict, Walter, Jerome, Agnes, Catherine, and Magdalen his children.12892638
16480623670. Agnes Nicolsdochter, spouse of Andrew Erasmusson in Sound.12901670
16480711702. Agnes Cheyne, spouse of Ola Petersone in Aith.121321702
16480713708. Robert Coutts of Futabrough, died February 1648. Janet Henriesdochter his relict, Henry, Christian, Clara, Agnes, and Margaret his children.121321708
16480714712. Robert Cheyne of Northhouse, died 14th June 1641. Margaret Androisdochter his relict, Patrick and Agnes his children.121322712
16480827749. Agnes Henriesdochter, spouse to John McRitchie in Howsder.121331749
16480831760. Agnes Davidsdochter, spouse to John Robertson in Culbenstoft.121332760
16480910773. Agnes Thomasdochter, spouse to James Arthurson in Skail, Whalsay.121332773
16480915776. Alexander Bruce of Shelbeis, in Lunesting, died July 1648. Katherine Giffart his relict, Andrew, Jean, Lilias, Margaret, and Agnes his children.121332776
16480927783. Agnes Wright, spouse to William Forsyth in Scalloway, died 31st May 1648. Arthur Forsyth only child.121341783
16480927787. Patrick Cheyne of Vaila, died 23rd December 1643, given up by James Cheyne of Raewick, uncle to Patrick, Agnes, Katherine, Christian, and Marjorie his children.121341787
16480930788. Andro Georgeson in Middale, died 20th Feb. 1648, given up by Andrew of Melby in absence of Janet Gibson relict, in name of Marbrun and Agnes Georgesdochter his sisters.121341788
Agnus116310709548. Agnus Marensdochter, spouse of Nicoll Molotsone in Hildigarth, Yell. 12392548
Anna11Ann316250920390. Thomas Gray in Murasetter, Unst, died January 1625. Christian and Ann his daughters.111342390
16280927443. Mans Manson in Nesting, died February 1628. Ann Gariock his relict, William, Manss, Margaret, and Christian his children.12371443
16300717488. Henry Coupland in Ska, Unst, died December 1629. Ann Coupland his sister.12381488
Anna616270719411. Anna Williamsdochter, spouse of Mans Williamson in Langhouse, Unst. 111351411
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16480713706. Anna Gilbertsdochter, spouse to John Anderson in Netherdaill.121321706
16480905766. Anna Henriesdochter, spouse to Laurence Anderson in Otterswick, Yell.121332766
16490828794. Anna Magnusdochter, spouse of Olaus Reid in Barddull, Sandness.121341794
16490828803. Laurence Cheyne of Gutabrid, died July 1648. Eliza Sinclair his relict, Anna his daughter.121342803
Anne216211229322. Anne Mansdochter, spouse to James Johnneson in Foulay.11912322
16270723414. Thomas Gray in Kirkhouse, Unst, died December 1622. Anne Nicollsdochter his relict, and Margaret Gray his brother's daughter.111351414
Barbara20Barbara201613071494. Barbara Magnusdochter, spouse to the deceased John Bothwellson in Brugh.10180294
16130719115. Barbara Christophersdochter, spouse of William Tulloch in Braebister.101802115
16130730159. Claray Nisbet, spouse of David Tulloch in Kettisetter, Yell, who died June 1610. Olave, Ingagarth, and Barbara her bairns.101812159
16130802166. Barbara Nicolsdochter, spouse of Olaw Manson in Hellibuster, Weisdale.101812166
16281028450. John Wirk in Scalloway-banks, died January 1628. Barbara Bie his relict, Patrick, Lilias, and Elspeth her children.12371450
16290912476. Barbara Olasdochter, spouse of Erasmus Thomson in Cudabister, Weisdale.12381476
16300717477. Barbara Olasdochter, spouse of Edmond Smyth in Scrawald, Unst.12381477
16340918621. Barbara Laurencedochter, spouse of Robert Manson in Gilsbreck, Lunnasting.12891621
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16380527663. Barbara, spouse of Laurence Irving in Coule.12892663
16480629675. Laurence Sinclair in Norst, died August 1647. Barbara Henriesdochter his relict, John and George his sons.12901675
16480629693. David Sinclair in Quharne, died September 1648. William, Mary, Janet, and Barbara his children.121321693
16480629694. Euphane Cranstoun, spouse to Nicoll Whyte, minister of Dunrossness, died 6th June 1640. Katherine, William, Barbara, and Robert her children.121321694
16480629695. James Sinclair in Quendale, died 21st September 1647. Barbara Stewart his relict, Harie and Robert his children.121321695
16480706698. William Sinclair in Swinbuster, died April 1620? .... Bannatyne his spouse, Barbara his daughter.121321698
16480814718. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to James Mount of Ollaberry, and March 1645. Gilbert, James, Barbara, Margaret, and Janet her children.121322718
16480816727. Barbara Bie, spouse of Bothwell Erasmusson in Hamnavoe, died February 1648. Laurence, Edward, and Andro her sons.121322727
16480819731. John Follesdaill, Lumbuster, died June 1645. Margaret Magnusdochter his relict, David, Ola, Janet, Breta, and Barbara his children.121331731
16480930789. Ursella Edmesson, spouse of Ninian Nevin of Windhouse, died 8th December 1646. Gilbert, James, Rodger, Andrew, Barbara, and Bessie his children.121341789
16490828802. William Hay, minister at Walls, died 20th October 1647. Barbara Hay his relict.121342802
Beggis1Beggis116480629681. Beggis Morisone, spouse to David Bruce in Wilsness.12902681
Bessie9Bess1168607(blank)812. Mr. William Campbell, minister of Fetlar, died March 1686. Bess Ross his relict and sole legatee, under will dated 11th March 1686. Francis Murray, commissary, James Scott, younger of Voesgarth, cautioner.121342812
Bessie81613071063. Bessie Fraser in Strand, Fetlar.10180163
16130715100. Bessie Jacobsdochter, spouse of Gregorius Thomassone in Lax, Delting.101802100
16150803248. Bessie Hunter, spouse to John Manson in Chedasetter, Whalsay, died March 1615. Andrew, Marion, Helen, and Marjorie her children. 11391248
16270719413. James Strang in Wailzie, Fetlar, died June 1620. Christian Nicolsdochter his relict, Andrew, Patrick, Thomas, Margaret, Bessie, and Elspeth his children.111351413
16310709549. Bessie Lewis, relict of Magnus Henryson in Rosbuster, Fetlar.12392549
16341027627. Isobel Moir, spouse of Thomas Linklatter in Laxfirth, died July 1633. William, Robert, James, Marjorie, Janet, Elspeth, and Bessie her children.12891627
16480930789. Ursella Edmesson, spouse of Ninian Nevin of Windhouse, died 8th December 1646. Gilbert, James, Rodger, Andrew, Barbara, and Bessie his children.121341789
16490828801. Bessie Redland, spouse to Gilbert Christopherson in Elvister, Walls.121342801
Breta14Breta1416130719113. Breta Laurencedochter spouse to deceased Cristian Johnson in Houll.101802113
16150917234. Breta Symondsdochter, spouse of Nicoll Johnson in Mowtay, Unst.101831234
16150929278. David Spence in Gloup, Yell, died February 1603. James and Breta his children. 11392278
16190803285. Breta Androsdochter, spouse to Erasmus Skowissone in Hamer, Unst. 11902285
16220916332. Cristian Mowat in Gardine-be-north, Unst, died August 1621. Katherine and Breta her daughters. 111331332
16270719410. Breta Fraser, spouse of Laurence Olason in Scat, Unst.111351410
16290811459. Breta Jamesdochter, spouse of Erasmus Olasone in Collasetter, Unst.12372459
16300731506. Helen Wishart, spouse to James Christopherson in Madsetter, Isle of Papa, died February 1629. Andrew, Patrick, Arthur, James, Christopher, Elspeth, Breta, and Jean her children. 12382506
16310810572. Breta Nicolsdochter, spouse of Thomas Manson in Scalloway.12401572
16320710578. Breta Symonsdochter, relict of Robert Williamson in Hamer, Unst.12401578
16340829614. Ola Spence in Gardie, died May 1634. Breta Androisdochter his spouse, William his son.12891614
16350903637. Breta Johnsdochter, spouse to Erasmus Nicolson in Daill.12892637
16480819731. John Follesdaill, Lumbuster, died June 1645. Margaret Magnusdochter his relict, David, Ola, Janet, Breta, and Barbara his children.121331731
16480831758. Breta Allansdochter, relict of Erasmus Dicksone in Aith.121331758
Bryde8Bryde8161306216. Bryde Olasdochter, spouse of John Magnusson, indweller i Nether Houlland, Aithsting. 1017916
1613070525. Bryde Androisdochter, spouse of Erasmus Peterson in Setter in Haroldswick.10179225
1613070751. Bryde Magnusdochter, spouse of William Nicolson in Clivocast.10179251
1613070753. Sinniva Androisdochter, spouse to Mathew Nisbet in Scutoft, died April 1599, Marion, Elizabeth, and Bryde, children.10180153
16130727146. Bryde Nicolsdochter, spouse of Magnus Christopherson in Brabister, Walls.101811146
16130727153. Bryde Magnusdochter, spouse of Michael Laurenson in Firth.101811153
16150917211. Bryde Magnusdochter, spouse of Nicol Symondson in Wallisgarth, Unst.101822211
16200902294. Bryde Laurensdochter, spouse of Magnus Peterson in Uyeasound.11911294
Christian32Christian2616130730157. Christian Rey, spouse of deceased Magnus Catanach in Howgoland, Whiteness. 101812157
16150917221. James Strang of Voesgarth, Unst, died July 1603, Christian Sinclair his relict, and James, Agnes, Eliza, Helen, and Marie his children.101822221
16150917223. Alexander Scott in Gairdown, Unst, died July 1614, Sinevo Williamsdochter his relict, and Sara and Christian his daughters.101822223
16150920270. Barthol Strang of Voesgarth, died August 1612 ; given up by Thomas Cheyne of Vaila on behalf of Christian Strang, his spouse.11392270
16221031337. Christian Robertson, spouse to Thomas Williamson in Brevik, Northmaven.111331337
16240313348. James Nisbet in Coningsetter, Yell, died October 1623. Marion Williamsdochter his relict. George, James, Andrew, Katherine, Christian, Margaret, and Marion his children.111341348
16250920390. Thomas Gray in Murasetter, Unst, died January 1625. Christian and Ann his daughters.111342390
16270719413. James Strang in Wailzie, Fetlar, died June 1620. Christian Nicolsdochter his relict, Andrew, Patrick, Thomas, Margaret, Bessie, and Elspeth his children.111351413
16280818432. David Pitcairn of Scarpoe, died April 1627. Christian Sinclair his relict, and Andrew his only son.111352432
16280927443. Mans Manson in Nesting, died February 1628. Ann Gariock his relict, William, Manss, Margaret, and Christian his children.12371443
16300717485. Christian Strang in Voesgarth, Unst, died February 1630. James Strang of Voesgarth, her father's brother.12381485
16300717489. Christian Mansdochter in Soitland, Unst.12381489
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16300830542. Alexander Drevar in Fitch, Tingwall, died October 1629. Margaret, Marion, and Christian his brother's bairns.12391542
16350903636. Agnes Pount, spouse of Laurence Andersone in Soitland, died February 1635. Marion, Agnes, and Christian her children.12892636
16480614667. Thomas Sinclair in Lerwick, died August 1645. Christian Sinclair his relict, Laurence, Katherine, and Jane his children.12892667
16480814723. Christian Bruce, spouse of Barthelmo Symonsone, died November 1645. She is called a bastard.121322723
16480819734. Christian Fouller, spouse to Francis Nicolson in Hamagairth, Unst.121331734
16480823737. Christian Smyth, spouse of Steven Manson, Unst.121331737
16480825739. Christian Nicolsdochter, spouse of Thomas Nicolson in Deall.121331739
16480910769. Robert Hawick in Firth, died December 1645. Margaret Arnot his relict, John, Thomas, and Christian his children.121332769
16480910772. Edward Sinclair in Ska, Whalsay, died May 1646. Susana Antonsdochter his relict, Sheward, Andrew, Marian, and Christian, children.121332772
16480927787. Patrick Cheyne of Vaila, died 23rd December 1643, given up by James Cheyne of Raewick, uncle to Patrick, Agnes, Katherine, Christian, and Marjorie his children.121341787
16490828793. Christian Johnson, relict of Magnus Williamson in Neip, Nesting.121341793
16501211811. Christian Edmondston, spouse to William Spence of Houlland, Veil, died April 1650. Osea, John, Sinnevo, and Christian her children. John Neven, Commissary Substitute.121342811
16501211811. Christian Edmondston, spouse to William Spence of Houlland, Veil, died April 1650. Osea, John, Sinnevo, and Christian her children. John Neven, Commissary Substitute.121342811
Christine216250901377. Christine Roriesdochter, spouse of George Tait in Gairth, Nesting.111342377
16480923781. Christine Philip, spouse of Arthur Clerk in Breck, Walls, died July 1648. Nicol, Peter, Thomas, James, Henry, and Robert Edwardsons, her bairns by Edward Nicolson her first spouse.121341781
Cristian116220916332. Cristian Mowat in Gardine-be-north, Unst, died August 1621. Katherine and Breta her daughters. 111331332
Cristine31613071072. Cristine Gregoriusdochter, spouse of Mathew Williamson in Houll, Fetlar.10180172
16130724136. Cristine Laurensdochter, spouse of Andrew Thomasson in Housdigarth.101811136
16250826375. Cristine Lunisdochter, spouse to Ola Christophersone in Northhous in Papa. 111342375
Clara2Clara116480713708. Robert Coutts of Futabrough, died February 1648. Janet Henriesdochter his relict, Henry, Christian, Clara, Agnes, and Margaret his children.121321708
Claray116130730159. Claray Nisbet, spouse of David Tulloch in Kettisetter, Yell, who died June 1610. Olave, Ingagarth, and Barbara her bairns.101812159
Doratie3Doratie216300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16330829592. Mr. Magnus Norsk, minister of Unst, died May 1632. Doratie Thomsdochter his relict, Thomas, Patrick, Robert, Olaf, and Magnus his children.12402592
Dorothie116300723499. Dorothie Johnsdochter, spouse of William Moolson in Nether Houll.12382499
Eliza3Eliza316150917221. James Strang of Voesgarth, Unst, died July 1603, Christian Sinclair his relict, and James, Agnes, Eliza, Helen, and Marie his children.101822221
16151004282. Patrick Tait in South Hammersland, Tingwall, died February 1608. Eliza his relict, and Jerome his son.11392282
16490828803. Laurence Cheyne of Gutabrid, died July 1648. Eliza Sinclair his relict, Anna his daughter.121342803
Elizabeth9Elizabeth91613070753. Sinniva Androisdochter, spouse to Mathew Nisbet in Scutoft, died April 1599, Marion, Elizabeth, and Bryde, children.10180153
1613071068. Elizabeth Olasdochter, spouse of William Spens in Hinland.10180168
16130803177. William Sinclair of Ustaness, who died December 1610; Elizabeth Sinclair his relict, and Laurence Sinclair his son.10181-1822-1177
16150917210. Gilbert Mowat in Clisba, Unst, died May 1615, Margaret Wardis his relict, and Andrew, Nicoll, and Elizabeth his children.101822210
16310718555. Elizabeth Androisdochter, spouse of Peter Jamieson in Foulla.12392555
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16341008625. Elizabeth Sinclair, his relict, died February 1634.12891625
16480831762. Elizabeth Jonsdochter, spouse to Magnus Culstone in Culbenstoft.121332762
16490828805. Elizabeth Nicolsdochter, relict of William Olasone in Nibon, Northmaven.121342805
Elspeth19Elspeth1916240313349. Ingagarth Sinclair, spouse to Gilbert Nisbet in Kirkabister, Yell, died October 1623. Laurence, Henry, and Elspeth his children.111341349
16250920393. Margaret Coutes, spouse of Walter Gray in Cliff, Unst, died August 1625. William, Laurence, Katherine, and Elspeth her children.111351393
16270719413. James Strang in Wailzie, Fetlar, died June 1620. Christian Nicolsdochter his relict, Andrew, Patrick, Thomas, Margaret, Bessie, and Elspeth his children.111351413
16280826435. Thomas Aikler in Utterbuster, Yell, died March 1628. Katherine Sutherland his relict, Andrew, Sophia, Elspeth, and Ingagarth his children.111352435
16281028450. John Wirk in Scalloway-banks, died January 1628. Barbara Bie his relict, Patrick, Lilias, and Elspeth her children.12371450
16300731506. Helen Wishart, spouse to James Christopherson in Madsetter, Isle of Papa, died February 1629. Andrew, Patrick, Arthur, James, Christopher, Elspeth, Breta, and Jean her children. 12382506
16300804508. Elspeth Androsdochter, spouse to Henry Thomasson in Twat, Aithsting.12382508
16300807521. Elspeth Matchesdochter, spouse of Zeanes Peterson in Coppasetter, Yell. 12382521
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16300807523. Katherine Sinclair, spouse to Bartelmo Hawick of Nischeam, Delting, died March 1622. Janet, Elspeth, and Agnes Hawicks her children.12391523
16300827534. Elspeth Copland, spouse to Gilbert Leisk in Soutries (? Scatness), died February 1627. Henry, Laurence, Marione[sic], and Marion her children. 12391534
16320710579. Henry Williamson of Bowanes, died May 1632. Elspeth Mudie his relict, Manss, Andrew, William, Gilbert, James, and Robert his children. 12401579
16331025603. Katherine Halcro, spouse of Walter Leisk in Voe, Dunrossness, died May 1632. James, Laurence, Patrick, Grissil, Marjorie, and Elspeth her children.12402603
16340829615. James Nicolson in Wallie, died April 1634. Elspeth Gray his relict, Edward, Margaret, and another his children.12891615
16341027627. Isobel Moir, spouse of Thomas Linklatter in Laxfirth, died July 1633. William, Robert, James, Marjorie, Janet, Elspeth, and Bessie her children.12891627
16480629684. Henry Leask in Graitness, died June 1643. Isobel Drewer his relict, Patrick, Elspeth, Margaret, Martha, and Katherine his children.12902684
16480910771. Elspeth Hawick, spouse to Andrew Stewart in Sandwick, died September 1648. Bartholomew, Sara, and others, children.121332771
16490828795. Elspeth Magnusdochter in Saness, Sandwick.121341795
16490828808. Janet Tulloch, spouse to Mathew Sinclair in Brugh, Burra, died April 1649. Laurence, Elspeth, and Margaret her children.121342808
Euphane4Euphan21613071284. Mathew Sudderland in Finze, died February 1609. Margaret Olasdochter his relict, and Euphan his only daughter.101801-284
16380606665. Edward Manson in South Neep, Nesting, died May 1647. Magnus his son, Euphan Margaretsdochter his relict.12892665
Euphane216480629694. Euphane Cranstoun, spouse to Nicoll Whyte, minister of Dunrossness, died 6th June 1640. Katherine, William, Barbara, and Robert her children.121321694
16480920777. Euphane Strang, spouse of Alexander Williamson in Eswick, died April 1648. Laurence only child.121332777
Garthrow5Gairthrow216300717480. Gairthrow Petersdochter, relict of Shewart Henrieson in Clisbo, Unst.12381480
16300807517. Gairthrow Erasmusdochter, spouse of Erasmus Stephanson in Urie, Fetlar.12382517
Garthrow216280902437. Garthrow Mansdochter, spouse of Henry Thomasson in Boxsetter, Delting. 12371437
16480816725. Garthrow Erasmusdochter, spouse of Garth Salmonson in Yell.121322725
Guthrow116130719105. Guthrow Olasdochter, spouse to deceased Andrew Olawsons in Hugonsetter.101802105
Gotherum1Gotherum11613070536. Gotherum Thomasdochter, spouse of Magnus Johnson in Widwick.10179236
Grissel9Grissel616240328359. William Bult in Sistay, Bressay, died December 1622. Grissel Smith his relict, Katherine and Agnes his daughters.111341359
16280808423. Malcolm Smith in Holdeswick, Northmaven, died December 1625. Grissel Bruce his relict, and Andrew, James, Nicol, and Laurence his children.111352423
16281028456. Robert Tulloch in Northbister, Burra, died December 1627. Arthur and Grissel his children.12372456
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16480629682. Grissel Halcro, spouse to George Graigie in Dunrossness. 12902682
16480629691. Gilbert Sinclair in Norst, died 10th September 1641, given up by William Burgie, now spouse to Grissel Forester his relict, on behalf of Martha his daughter.121321691
Grissil116331025603. Katherine Halcro, spouse of Walter Leisk in Voe, Dunrossness, died May 1632. James, Laurence, Patrick, Grissil, Marjorie, and Elspeth her children.12402603
Grizel116150731247. Grizel Nisbet, daughter to Peter Nisbet in Kirkcabister, Yell, died May 1606. Daniel and David her brothers. 11391247
Grizell116240920365. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Robert Tulloch in Warbister, Burra, died March 1623. Arthur, John, and Grizel his children. 111341365
Gullis1Gullis116480912775. Gullis Weymes, spouse to Thomas Linklater Smith in Laxfirth.121332775
Guneild1Guneild11613070538. Guneild Magnusdochter, spouse of John Magnusson in Westerhouse.10179238
Helen17Helen171613071281. Helen Linklet in Under Failzie.10180181
16130724130. Peter Wishart in Estabuster, Papa, died August 1605. Helen his only daughter.101811130
16130724131. Helen Petersdochter in Nidwie, Sandness.101811131
16130816184. Helen Mowat, spouse to umquhile Gawn Gadie in Lugasetter, Dunrossness.101821184
16130820203. Mr. Robert Swinton, minister of Walls, died June 1612. Helen Sinclair his relict, and Malcolm, Thomas, James, and Robert his children. 101822203
16150803248. Bessie Hunter, spouse to John Manson in Chedasetter, Whalsay, died March 1615. Andrew, Marion, Helen, and Marjorie her children. 11391248
16150917221. James Strang of Voesgarth, Unst, died July 1603, Christian Sinclair his relict, and James, Agnes, Eliza, Helen, and Marie his children.101822221
16150917232. Helen Johnsdochter, spouse of Andrew Clerk in Aith, Fetlar.101831232
16280902438. Andrew Coghill in Papa Stour, died January 1625. Helen Bruce his relict, and Margaret his daughter.12371438
16280927444. Helen Nicolsdochter, spouse of William Mansone in Effirth, Sandsting.12371444
16300731506. Helen Wishart, spouse to James Christopherson in Madsetter, Isle of Papa, died February 1629. Andrew, Patrick, Arthur, James, Christopher, Elspeth, Breta, and Jean her children. 12382506
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16330828590. Helen Antoninsdochter, spouse of Edward Sinclair in Ska, Whalsay.12401590
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16350903635. Robert Punt in Skeggar, died January 1635. Agnes Strang his relict, David (eldest), William, and Helen his children.12892635
16480825738. James Sinclair in Baltasound, died August 1645. Helen Wood his relict, William, James, and Thomas his children.121331738
16480927784. Margaret Umphray, spouse to Henry Sinclair, brother to Laurence Sinclair of Burgh, died 4th March 1645. Hew, Patrick, Helen, and Jean her children.121341784
Helgo2Helgo116340829613. Helgo Magnusdochter in Yow.12891613
Hilgo116150917213. Hilgo Erasmusdochter, spouse of Magnus Couttis in Brugh, Unst.101822213
Ingagarth18Inga116340918620. Inga Magnusdochter in Scalloway.12891620
Ingagarath116290811465. Andro Androison in Cliff, Unst, died March 1629. Ingagarth Androisdochter, his relict, and Sinnevo and Agnes his children.12372465
Ingagarth101613070529. John Coupland in Skae, died May 1608, Henry, William, Magnus, James, Ingagarth, and Agnes, his children.10179229
16130730159. Claray Nisbet, spouse of David Tulloch in Kettisetter, Yell, who died June 1610. Olave, Ingagarth, and Barbara her bairns.101812159
16240313349. Ingagarth Sinclair, spouse to Gilbert Nisbet in Kirkabister, Yell, died October 1623. Laurence, Henry, and Elspeth his children.111341349
16280826435. Thomas Aikler in Utterbuster, Yell, died March 1628. Katherine Sutherland his relict, Andrew, Sophia, Elspeth, and Ingagarth his children.111352435
16300823528. Ingagarth Davidsdochter, spouse of Bartelmo Antoninsone in Isbister, in Whalsay.12391528
16320710576. Ingagarth Magnusdochter, spouse to Walter Corisone in Frangord, Unst.12401576
16320710583. Ingagarth Nicolsdochter, spouse of Laurence Manson in Bith, Fetlar.12401583
16320710580. Ingagarth Mansdochter, spouse to Nicole Polson in Funzie, Fetlar.12401580
16480816729. Ingagarth Georgesdochter, spouse of Mathew Hawick in Southladie, Yell, died February 1645. Daniel, Matches, James, Thomas, and Christian her children.121322729
16480818730. Gilbert Scott in Kirkabister, died February 1642. Ingagarth Olasdochter his relict, Matches, Peter, and Sinnevo his children.121322730
Ingagert116190816293. Ingagert Nicolasdochter, spouse to Thomas McCoit in Weisdale.11911293
Ingagerth41613071279. Ingagerth Johnsdochter, spouse of Ninian Walterson in Sand.10180179
16150831258. Ingagerth Petersdochter, spouse of Gregorius Williamsone in Setter, Northmaven. 11391258
16150901260. Ingagerth Olasdochter in Flewagarthe, Northmaven.11391260
16240308342. Ingagerth Christophersdochter, spouse to Thomas Gray in Kirkawins, Unst.111332342
Ingagord11613070521. Ingagord Olasdochter, spouse of Magnus Peterson in Scotland.10179221
Isabel15Isabel816130816191. Marion Sinclair, spouse of William Cruickshanks in Culsetter, who died September 1601, Malcolm, Henry, James, Margaret, and Isabel his children. 101821191
16250825372. Isabel Cheyne, spouse to Richard Jameson in Papa, died February 1623.111342372
16250901381. Isabel Garioche, spouse to Robert Ryrd in Kelisbrugh, Nesting.111342381
16290811463. Isabel Aickla, spouse of John Olasone in Ronan, Unst.12372463
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16480629672. Malcolm Sinclair, son to Henry Sinclair in Gathesbark, died 15th April 1645. George, William, Isabel, Martha, Mary, and Margaret his brothers and sisters.12901672
16480629673. [sic - should be 683] Robert Bruce of Sumburgh, died March 1636. William his eldest son, Laurence, Andro, Patrick, James, and Mary his children, Isabel and Ola.12902673
16480816728. Isabel Ornesdochter, spouse of David Manson, died February 1645.121322728
Isabell116130816189. Nicol Mowat in Levenwick, who died June 1602; Marion Thomson his relict, Marion, Isabell, and Marjorie their children. 101821189
Isebil116130715104. Isebil Irving, spouse to Magnus Erasmusson in Brugh, Delting.101802104
Isobel516300717481. Isobel Laurencedochter, spouse of Thomas Couttie in Hundagarth, Unst. 12381481
16341027627. Isobel Moir, spouse of Thomas Linklatter in Laxfirth, died July 1633. William, Robert, James, Marjorie, Janet, Elspeth, and Bessie her children.12891627
16480629677. Isobel Murray, spouse to John Mackplume in Dunrossness, died June 1644.12901677
16480629678. Malcolm Leask in Lie, died May 1648. Isobel Anderson his relict, Adam and Margaret his children.12901678
16480629684. Henry Leask in Graitness, died June 1643. Isobel Drewer his relict, Patrick, Elspeth, Margaret, Martha, and Katherine his children.12902684
Janet29Janet281613071280. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse of James Strang in Vailzie, died December 1605; Andrew, Thomas, William, Margaret, Janet and Katherine her children.10180180
16130727143. Andrew Wishart in Melbie, Sandness, died May 1607; Marion Reid his relict, and Robert, Harry, Janet, and Katherine his bairns.101811143
16130816187. Thomas Sinclair in Myre, who died February 1612; Janet (Brown?) his relict, Marjorie, Mary, and Janet his children. 101821187
16130816187. Thomas Sinclair in Myre, who died February 1612; Janet (Brown?) his relict, Marjorie, Mary, and Janet his children. 101821187
16150917219. Malcolm Mowat in Wadbuster, Unst, died October 1613, Janet Nisbet his relict, and John, Henry, and Marion, his children.101822219
16150917224. Marion Spence, spouse of Walter Magnusson in Snawburgh, Unst, died May 1613, Janet her daughter.101822224
16210907310. Janet Flett, spouse to James Stephenson in Fairawell, Feilar.11912310
16221031338. James Sinclair of Mail, Burra, died 23rd May 1622. Margaret Harcus his relict, and Michael, Edward, Thomas, Janet, and Poll his children.111332338
16250825373. Janet Forrest, spouse to Laurence Johnson in Papa.111342373
16250901383. Janet Sutherland, spouse to Edward Sinclair of Buliesetter, Nesting, died 1623. Henry, James, and Andrew her children.111342383
16250920392. Janet Niber, spouse of William Androsone in Virss, Unst.111351392
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16300807523. Katherine Sinclair, spouse to Bartelmo Hawick of Nischeam, Delting, died March 1622. Janet, Elspeth, and Agnes Hawicks her children.12391523
16300830536. Margaret Sinclair his relict, died October 1629. James, eldest son, William and Janet her children. 12391536
16310810565. Marie Strang, spouse of Mr. Thomas Hendrie, minister of Walls, died February 1629. Gilbert, James, and Janet her children. 12392565
16330828589. Janet Magnusdochter, spouse to Christopher Olasone in Glaitness, Unst. 12401589
16331010602. Janet Ingsetter, spouse of Laurence Sinclair in Nisbister, died January 1632. Laurence, Robert, Adam, and Marion her children.12402602
16341027627. Isobel Moir, spouse of Thomas Linklatter in Laxfirth, died July 1633. William, Robert, James, Marjorie, Janet, Elspeth, and Bessie her children.12891627
16480629692. Janet Alexander, spouse to John Bannatyne in Hillwall, died September 1645.121321692
16480629693. David Sinclair in Quharne, died September 1648. William, Mary, Janet, and Barbara his children.121321693
16480713704. Harry Cheyne of Stapness, died December 1643. Janet Bell his relict, Margaret his daughter.121321704
16480713708. Robert Coutts of Futabrough, died February 1648. Janet Henriesdochter his relict, Henry, Christian, Clara, Agnes, and Margaret his children.121321708
16480719715. Thomas Scott in Elvesta, Walls, died August 1647. Janet Hendrie his relict, William his brother, Katherine and Margaret his sisters.121322715
16480814718. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to James Mount of Ollaberry, and March 1645. Gilbert, James, Barbara, Margaret, and Janet her children.121322718
16480814722. Janet Magnusdochter, spouse to Harie Anderson in Hammer.121322722
16480819731. John Follesdaill, Lumbuster, died June 1645. Margaret Magnusdochter his relict, David, Ola, Janet, Breta, and Barbara his children.121331731
16480930788. Andro Georgeson in Middale, died 20th Feb. 1648, given up by Andrew of Melby in absence of Janet Gibson relict, in name of Marbrun and Agnes Georgesdochter his sisters.121341788
16490828808. Janet Tulloch, spouse to Mathew Sinclair in Brugh, Burra, died April 1649. Laurence, Elspeth, and Margaret her children.121342808
Jenat116310810567. Jenat Gudlet, spouse to Jerome Sclaiter in Lie, Walls.12392567
Jean12Jane116480614667. Thomas Sinclair in Lerwick, died August 1645. Christian Sinclair his relict, Laurence, Katherine, and Jane his children.12892667
Jean1116201007300. Michael Craig in Brebisterbank in Walls, died March 1618; given up by Thomas Cheyne of Vaila, on behalf of Margaret, Jean, and another his children.11911300
16211229323. Andrew Umphray of Berry, Tingwall, died 9th March 1621. Jean Sinclair his relict, Andrew and William his sons. Mr. William Umphray, vicar of Bressay, is a witness to his will.11912323
16280902440. Jean Erasmusson in Easterfiord, Delting.12371440
16300722497. George Strang in Gord. Jean Arthur his relict, Martha and Marian his children.12382497
16300731506. Helen Wishart, spouse to James Christopherson in Madsetter, Isle of Papa, died February 1629. Andrew, Patrick, Arthur, James, Christopher, Elspeth, Breta, and Jean her children. 12382506
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16480831754. Jean Archer, first spouse to Daniel Polsone in Clothen.121331754
16480908767. Jean Chrichtone, spouse to Arthur Javens in Laxo.121332767
16480915776. Alexander Bruce of Shelbeis, in Lunesting, died July 1648. Katherine Giffart his relict, Andrew, Jean, Lilias, Margaret, and Agnes his children.121332776
16480927784. Margaret Umphray, spouse to Henry Sinclair, brother to Laurence Sinclair of Burgh, died 4th March 1645. Hew, Patrick, Helen, and Jean her children.121341784
16480927785. Jean Bruce, relict of Hew Sinclair of Burgh, died 8th March 1644. Laurence, Henry, and Alexander her children.121341785
John1John116150923273. John[sic] Mansdochter[sic], spouse of George Sinclair in Maill, Burra.11392273
Judith1Judith116300827532. Gayn Gadie in Clumlie, died October 1629. Judith Mowat relict, Mans, John, and Oliver his children.12391532
Katherine53Catherine316250915388. Catherine Nisbet, spouse to Gilbert Scot in Kirkabister, Yell, died April 1625. Mathew, William, Peter, Margaret, Marion, and Sinevo her children.111342388
16340903617. Andrew Strang in Underfaillie, Fetlar, died July 1634. Margaret Linklater his relict, John, Henry, Catherine, and Marion his children.12891617
16350903638. William Gray in Cliff, died February 1634. Sinnevo Schewartsdochter his relict, Walter, Jerome, Agnes, Catherine, and Magdalen his children.12892638
Katherine50161208212. Katherine Androsdaughter, spouse to David Symonssone in Northmaven.1017912
1613070211. Katherine Williamsdochter, spouse of Gotherum in Funzie, Fetlar.10179111
1613070540. Katherine Magnusdocher, spouse of Ola Stephanson in Clugon.10179240
1613071067. Thomas Spens in Failzie, died October 1607, Sinnevo Nicolsdochter his relict, William and Katherine his children.10180167
1613071070. Michael Nicolson in Mursetter, and Katherine Laurencedochter his spouse.10180170
1613071073. Katherine Gregoriusdochter, spouse of Nicol Olawson in Gilthouse, Fetlar.10180173
1613071280. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse of James Strang in Vailzie, died December 1605; Andrew, Thomas, William, Margaret, Janet and Katherine her children.10180180
16130715103. Katherine Mathewsdochter, spouse of James Nisbet in Commonsetter, Yell.101802103
16130724133. Oliver Cristopherson, elder in Papa, died January 1608. Katherine Laurensdochter his relict.101811133
16130727142. Katherine Call, spouse of George Work, in Clet in Whalsay.101811142
16130727143. Andrew Wishart in Melbie, Sandness, died May 1607; Marion Reid his relict, and Robert, Harry, Janet, and Katherine his bairns.101811143
16130803170. Katherine Schewartsdochter, spouse to Magnus Tulloch in Uzea, Northmaven.101812170
16130803176. Katherine Jamesdochter, spouse to Thomas Johnson in Sound, Tingwall.101812176
16150724238. Katherine Johnsdochter, spouse of William Jacobson in Setter, Yell.101832238
16150731245. Katherine Thomasdochter, spouse of Magnus Olawson in Collafirth, Delting. 11391245
16150831259. Katherine Williamsdochter, spouse to Andrew Thomasson in Swensetterburgh, Delting. 11391259
16150904265. Katherine Johnsdochter, spouse of Magnus Olawson in Aithness, Aithsting. 11392265
16151002280. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Gregorious Smith in Lie, Dunrossness, died January 1611. James, Olave, Margaret, and Katherine her children.11392280
16190809291. Katherine Petersdochter, spouse of Magnus Robertson in Houff.11911291
16200902296. Katherine Mudie, spouse to Alexander Rethin in Brebister.11911296
16210908314. Katherine Jonsdochter, spouse to Erasmus Nicolson in Netherhoull, Yell. 11912314
16220112325. Katherine Jacobsdochter, spouse to Mathew Erasmusson, Aithsting.11912325
16220916332. Cristian Mowat in Gardine-be-north, Unst, died August 1621. Katherine and Breta her daughters. 111331332
16240313348. James Nisbet in Coningsetter, Yell, died October 1623. Marion Williamsdochter his relict. George, James, Andrew, Katherine, Christian, Margaret, and Marion his children.111341348
16240328359. William Bult in Sistay, Bressay, died December 1622. Grissel Smith his relict, Katherine and Agnes his daughters.111341359
16240906361. Katherine Sutherland, spouse of John Nicolson in Northdale, Fetlar.111341361
16250920393. Margaret Coutes, spouse of Walter Gray in Cliff, Unst, died August 1625. William, Laurence, Katherine, and Elspeth her children.111351393
16270719412. Katherine Mansdochter, spouse of Mans Olasone in Southdale, Fetlar.111351412
16280826435. Thomas Aikler in Utterbuster, Yell, died March 1628. Katherine Sutherland his relict, Andrew, Sophia, Elspeth, and Ingagarth his children.111352435
16281011446. Katherine Erasmusdochter, spouse of Mans Williamson in Neep, Nesting.12371446
16300717478. Katherine Hay, spouse of Laurence Anderson in Houll, Unst.12381478
16300717482. Marion Ferquair, relict of Henry Coupland of Skae, Unst, died December 1629. David Ferquhair her brother and Katherine her sister.12381482
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16300807523. Katherine Sinclair, spouse to Bartelmo Hawick of Nischeam, Delting, died March 1622. Janet, Elspeth, and Agnes Hawicks her children.12391523
1630083054[sic] Katherine Christophersdochter, spouse to Alexander Drevar in Fitch, Tingwall.1239154[sic - should be 541]
16310704546. Nicol Fressir in Scae, died February, 1630. Katherine his relict, Agnes his daughter.12392546
16310720558. Katherine Reid, spouse of Mathew Manson in Westerskeld, Sandsting.12392558
16331025603. Katherine Halcro, spouse of Walter Leisk in Voe, Dunrossness, died May 1632. James, Laurence, Patrick, Grissil, Marjorie, and Elspeth her children.12402603
16340826606. Katherine Robertsdochter in Kirkabister, Sandsting.12402606
16341027628. Katherine Johnsdochter, spouse of Magnus Swanesone in Gulberwick.12891628
16350826629. Katherine Halcro, spouse of Ola Robertson in Kirkasetter, Nesting.12892629
16480614667. Thomas Sinclair in Lerwick, died August 1645. Christian Sinclair his relict, Laurence, Katherine, and Jane his children.12892667
16480629684. Henry Leask in Graitness, died June 1643. Isobel Drewer his relict, Patrick, Elspeth, Margaret, Martha, and Katherine his children.12902684
16480629686. Malcolm Sinclair in Gairth, died February 1647. William, Andrew, David, Margaret, and Katherine his children.12902686
16480629689. Katherine Sinclair, spouse to Henry Strang in Hillwill, died July 1643.12902689
16480629694. Euphane Cranstoun, spouse to Nicoll Whyte, minister of Dunrossness, died 6th June 1640. Katherine, William, Barbara, and Robert her children.121321694
16480719715. Thomas Scott in Elvesta, Walls, died August 1647. Janet Hendrie his relict, William his brother, Katherine and Margaret his sisters.121322715
16480827751. Katherine Thomasdochter, spouse of Thomas Couttis in Bailziesta.121331751
16480915776. Alexander Bruce of Shelbeis, in Lunesting, died July 1648. Katherine Giffart his relict, Andrew, Jean, Lilias, Margaret, and Agnes his children.121332776
16480927787. Patrick Cheyne of Vaila, died 23rd December 1643, given up by James Cheyne of Raewick, uncle to Patrick, Agnes, Katherine, Christian, and Marjorie his children.121341787
Lilias3Lilias316281028450. John Wirk in Scalloway-banks, died January 1628. Barbara Bie his relict, Patrick, Lilias, and Elspeth her children.12371450
16300830538. Lilias Mansdochter, spouse of Erasmus Androisson in Hagrasetter, Northmaven.12391538
16480915776. Alexander Bruce of Shelbeis, in Lunesting, died July 1648. Katherine Giffart his relict, Andrew, Jean, Lilias, Margaret, and Agnes his children.121332776
Magdalen8Magdalen816150917216. Magdalen Nicolsdochter, spouse of Thomas Couttis in Balzesta, Unst.101822216
16151004281. Jacob Tait in Easthouse, Tingwall, died December 1603. Jerome, William, Henry, Thomas, Peter, and Magdalen his children.11392281
16270719402. Magdalen Sutherland, spouse of Laurence Got in Funzie, Fetlar.111351402
16280818427. David Fouler in Rowland, Unst, died May 1628. Laurence, David, Christian, Magdalen, and Sinevo his children.111352427
16300717484. Magdalen Fowler and Andrew Thomasson, spouses in Gairdiegarth, Unst. 12381484
16340829612. Andrew Strang in Burreswick, died October 1633. Magdalen his relict, Sinnevo Androsdochter his daughter.12402612
16350903638. William Gray in Cliff, died February 1634. Sinnevo Schewartsdochter his relict, Walter, Jerome, Agnes, Catherine, and Magdalen his children.12892638
16480831753. Magdalen Scott, spouse to Nicol Polsone in Mungarsdaill, Fetlar.121331753
Magnus2Magnus216300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16300827533. Magnus McFerssone, spouse to David Bruce in Wilsness, died June 1630. Henry and Marion her children. 12391533
Mallie1Mallie116300814527. Mallie Whyte in Hewgoland, in Whiteness, died November 1629.12391527
Mans2Mans116250826374. Mans Mansdochter, spouse to John Wishart in Skarvister, Walls.111342374
Manss116240906362. Manss Nicolsdochter in Newhouse, in Fetlar.111341362
Manson1Manson116330922600. Manson[sic] Giffart, spouse of Berald Mowat in Reafirth, Northmaven, died May 1632. Laurence and Malcolm her children.12402600
Marbrun1Marbrun116480930788. Andro Georgeson in Middale, died 20th Feb. 1648, given up by Andrew of Melby in absence of Janet Gibson relict, in name of Marbrun and Agnes Georgesdochter his sisters.121341788
Margaret61Margaret611613070752. Margaret Nicolsdochter, spouse to Walter Mureson in Still.10180152
1613071280. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse of James Strang in Vailzie, died December 1605; Andrew, Thomas, William, Margaret, Janet and Katherine her children.10180180
1613071284. Mathew Sudderland in Finze, died February 1609. Margaret Olasdochter his relict, and Euphan his only daughter.101801-284
16130719108. Margaret Nicolsdochter, spouse of Ola Gregorinson in Lungsetter.101802108
16130719126. Margaret Petersdochter, spouse of Magnus Thomasone in Orhatongone.101811126
16130803168. Margaret Nicolsdochter, spouse to Gregorius Androsone in Sulim, Northmaven. 101812168
16130816183. Laurence Sinclair of Goat, Dunrossness, died 21st January 1613. Margaret Leisk his relict, and Laurence his son.101821183
16130816185. Margaret Cristophersdochter, spouse to Magnus Swanneson in Troiswick, Dunrossness.101821185
16130816191. Marion Sinclair, spouse of William Cruickshanks in Culsetter, who died September 1601, Malcolm, Henry, James, Margaret, and Isabel his children. 101821191
16130819198. John Sinclair in Gairthe, Dunrossness, who died August 1602, William, Marjorie, and Margaret his children.101821198
16150805250. James Sinclair of Crosbister, Unst, died November 1613. Marjorie Sinclair his relict, and Margaret his daughter. 11391250
16150917210. Gilbert Mowat in Clisba, Unst, died May 1615, Margaret Wardis his relict, and Andrew, Nicoll, and Elizabeth his children.101822210
16151002280. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Gregorious Smith in Lie, Dunrossness, died January 1611. James, Olave, Margaret, and Katherine her children.11392280
16151002280. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Gregorious Smith in Lie, Dunrossness, died January 1611. James, Olave, Margaret, and Katherine her children.11392280
16201007300. Michael Craig in Brebisterbank in Walls, died March 1618; given up by Thomas Cheyne of Vaila, on behalf of Margaret, Jean, and another his children.11911300
16221031338. James Sinclair of Mail, Burra, died 23rd May 1622. Margaret Harcus his relict, and Michael, Edward, Thomas, Janet, and Poll his children.111332338
16240313348. James Nisbet in Coningsetter, Yell, died October 1623. Marion Williamsdochter his relict. George, James, Andrew, Katherine, Christian, Margaret, and Marion his children.111341348
16240324352. Margaret Paulsdochter, spouse to Nicol Olason in Walls.111341352
16240920365. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Robert Tulloch in Warbister, Burra, died March 1623. Arthur, John, and Grizel his children. 111341365
16250825371. Margaret Boyes, spouse to Henry Johnson in Eldus, Papa Stour.111342371
16250915388. Catherine Nisbet, spouse to Gilbert Scot in Kirkabister, Yell, died April 1625. Mathew, William, Peter, Margaret, Marion, and Sinevo her children.111342388
16250920393. Margaret Coutes, spouse of Walter Gray in Cliff, Unst, died August 1625. William, Laurence, Katherine, and Elspeth her children.111351393
16251004396. Margaret Gifford, his spouse, died August 162-111351396
16270719413. James Strang in Wailzie, Fetlar, died June 1620. Christian Nicolsdochter his relict, Andrew, Patrick, Thomas, Margaret, Bessie, and Elspeth his children.111351413
16270723414. Thomas Gray in Kirkhouse, Unst, died December 1622. Anne Nicollsdochter his relict, and Margaret Gray his brother's daughter.111351414
16280902438. Andrew Coghill in Papa Stour, died January 1625. Helen Bruce his relict, and Margaret his daughter.12371438
16280902439. Margaret Irving, spouse to Edward Manson in North Hammersland, Tingwall, died April 1628. Nicol, William, and David her children. 12371439
16280927443. Mans Manson in Nesting, died February 1628. Ann Gariock his relict, William, Manss, Margaret, and Christian his children.12371443
16281028455. Henry Wardlaw in Clousta, Aithsting, died March 1628. Margaret Buchanan his relict.12372455
16290818468. Margaret Magnusdochter, spouse to Magnus Tullan in Eshness, Northmaven.12372468
16290912474. Margaret Williamsdochter, spouse of William Dempster, in Skewingsta, Unst. 12381474
16300717479. Margaret Erasmusdochter, spouse of John Mathewson in Uphouse, Unst.12381479
16300717487. Margaret Antoniusdochter, spouse of Nicol Williamson in Ska, Unst.12381487
16300813525. Margaret Coghill, daughter of Andrew Coghill in Olagarth, Papa Stour.12391525
16300830536. Margaret Sinclair his relict, died October 1629. James, eldest son, William and Janet her children. 12391536
16300830542. Alexander Drevar in Fitch, Tingwall, died October 1629. Margaret, Marion, and Christian his brother's bairns.12391542
16330829594. Margaret Williamsdochter, spouse of Robert Duncan in Midlehouse.12402594
16330906596. Margaret Robertsdochter, spouse to Nicol Smyth in Geldisbak.12402596
16340829615. James Nicolson in Wallie, died April 1634. Elspeth Gray his relict, Edward, Margaret, and another his children.12891615
16340903617. Andrew Strang in Underfaillie, Fetlar, died July 1634. Margaret Linklater his relict, John, Henry, Catherine, and Marion his children.12891617
16341008624. Laurence Sinclair of Houss in Burray, died April 1632. Arthur (eldest), John, George, Laurence, Grissel, Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, and Anna his children.12891624
16480629672. Malcolm Sinclair, son to Henry Sinclair in Gathesbark, died 15th April 1645. George, William, Isabel, Martha, Mary, and Margaret his brothers and sisters.12901672
16480629676. Margaret Billie, spouse to Andrew Mader in Dunrossness, died June 1645.12901676
16480629678. Malcolm Leask in Lie, died May 1648. Isobel Anderson his relict, Adam and Margaret his children.12901678
16480629684. Henry Leask in Graitness, died June 1643. Isobel Drewer his relict, Patrick, Elspeth, Margaret, Martha, and Katherine his children.12902684
16480629686. Malcolm Sinclair in Gairth, died February 1647. William, Andrew, David, Margaret, and Katherine his children.12902686
16480629687. Margaret Kirkhouse, spouse to John Burniesone in Moo.12902687
16480713704. Harry Cheyne of Stapness, died December 1643. Janet Bell his relict, Margaret his daughter.121321704
16480713708. Robert Coutts of Futabrough, died February 1648. Janet Henriesdochter his relict, Henry, Christian, Clara, Agnes, and Margaret his children.121321708
16480714712. Robert Cheyne of Northhouse, died 14th June 1641. Margaret Androisdochter his relict, Patrick and Agnes his children.121322712
16480719715. Thomas Scott in Elvesta, Walls, died August 1647. Janet Hendrie his relict, William his brother, Katherine and Margaret his sisters.121322715
16480814718. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to James Mount of Ollaberry, and March 1645. Gilbert, James, Barbara, Margaret, and Janet her children.121322718
16480814718. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to James Mount of Ollaberry, and March 1645. Gilbert, James, Barbara, Margaret, and Janet her children.121322718
16480819731. John Follesdaill, Lumbuster, died June 1645. Margaret Magnusdochter his relict, David, Ola, Janet, Breta, and Barbara his children.121331731
16480819735. Margaret Dunt, spouse to Magnus Erasmusson in Enawbuster.121331735
16480826743. Margaret Anthonisdochter, spouse to Andrew Still in Huggaland, Unst.121331743
16480910769. Robert Hawick in Firth, died December 1645. Margaret Arnot his relict, John, Thomas, and Christian his children.121332769
16480915776. Alexander Bruce of Shelbeis, in Lunesting, died July 1648. Katherine Giffart his relict, Andrew, Jean, Lilias, Margaret, and Agnes his children.121332776
16480927784. Margaret Umphray, spouse to Henry Sinclair, brother to Laurence Sinclair of Burgh, died 4th March 1645. Hew, Patrick, Helen, and Jean her children.121341784
16480927786. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Laurence Sinclair of Burgh, died 28th April 1646. Hew her only son.121341786
16490828808. Janet Tulloch, spouse to Mathew Sinclair in Brugh, Burra, died April 1649. Laurence, Elspeth, and Margaret her children.121342808
Marion75Marian216300722497. George Strang in Gord. Jean Arthur his relict, Martha and Marian his children.12382497
16480910772. Edward Sinclair in Ska, Whalsay, died May 1646. Susana Antonsdochter his relict, Sheward, Andrew, Marian, and Christian, children.121332772
Marion73161208211. Malcolm Symonson of Culbensgarth, died December 1610. Marion, his only bairn, appointed executor.1017911
161208213. Marion Orme, spouse to William Bairneson in Hillwall, Dunrossness.1017913
1613070520. John Henderson in Gardie, died April 1602, Marion Androisdochter his relict, and Marion his bairn.10179120
1613070520. John Henderson in Gardie, died April 1602, Marion Androisdochter his relict, and Marion his bairn.10179120
1613070753. Sinniva Androisdochter, spouse to Mathew Nisbet in Scutoft, died April 1599, Marion, Elizabeth, and Bryde, children.10180153
1613071065. James Spens of Midbreck, died March 1607, David and Marion his children.10180165
1613071280. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse of James Strang in Vailzie, died December 1605; Andrew, Thomas, William, Margaret, Janet and Katherine her children.10180180
16130719122. Marion Lovtit, spouse of Hutcheon Magnusson in Esterwick.101802122
16130719127. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse of John Anderson in Cruiksetter.101811127
16130727143. Andrew Wishart in Melbie, Sandness, died May 1607; Marion Reid his relict, and Robert, Harry, Janet, and Katherine his bairns.101811143
16130727151. Marion Olasdochter, spouse of Magnus Nicolson in Coit, Weisdale.101811151
16130730158. Henry Forrester of Lunning, in the parish of Lunnasting, who died December 16. David, William, Mathew, and Marion his bairns.101812158
16130803169. Marion Thomasdochter, spouse to Thomas Androsone in Laxo, Delting.101812169
16130803174. Marion Erasmusdochter, spouse of David Manson in Hoverstay, Bressay.101812174
16130804178. Marion Johnsdochter, spouse to deceased Magnus Olawson in Arisdale, Yell.101821178
16130816189. Nicol Mowat in Levenwick, who died June 1602; Marion Thomson his relict, Marion, Isabell, and Marjorie their children. 101821189
16130816189. Nicol Mowat in Levenwick, who died June 1602; Marion Thomson his relict, Marion, Isabell, and Marjorie their children. 101821189
16130816191. Marion Sinclair, spouse of William Cruickshanks in Culsetter, who died September 1601, Malcolm, Henry, James, Margaret, and Isabel his children. 101821191
16150724236. Marion Mairtinsdochter, spouse of Andrew Magnusson in Sellafirth, Yell. 101831236
16150803248. Bessie Hunter, spouse to John Manson in Chedasetter, Whalsay, died March 1615. Andrew, Marion, Helen, and Marjorie her children. 11391248
16150901262. Marion Androsdochter, spouse to John Robertson in Nestasetter, Northmaven. 11391262
16150904263. Marion Mudy, spouse to deceased Andrew Irvingson in Netherdaill, Sandness. 11391263
16150904264. Andrew Colt in Melbie, Sandness, died 1615. Jerome his son, and Marion and Agnes his daughters11391264
16150917219. Malcolm Mowat in Wadbuster, Unst, died October 1613, Janet Nisbet his relict, and John, Henry, and Marion, his children.101822219
16150917220. Marion Androsdochter, spouse of Laurence Olawson in Gardatown, Unst. 101822220
16150917224. Marion Spence, spouse of Walter Magnusson in Snawburgh, Unst, died May 1613, Janet her daughter.101822224
16150922271. Marion Chalmer, daughter to deceased Henry Chalmer in Howgoland, Whiteness.11392271
16190803287. Marion Androisdochter, spouse to Erasmus Nicolson in Daill, Unst.11902287
16210903307. Marion Thomasdochter, spouse to ... Laurenson in Daill, Unst.11911307
16211102317. Marion Erasmusdochter, spouse to William Olasone in Kirkabister, Lunnasting. 11912317
16211102318. Marion Olasdochter, spouse to Christopher Manson in Fitch, Dunrossness.11912318
16211229320. Marion Magnusdochter, spouse to Malcolm Manson in Maland.11912320
16221024335. Marion Cheine, spouse to George Ollasone in Simbasetter, Sandsting, died 2nd April 1622. Ola her son. 111331335
16240313348. James Nisbet in Coningsetter, Yell, died October 1623. Marion Williamsdochter his relict. George, James, Andrew, Katherine, Christian, Margaret, and Marion his children.111341348
16240313348. James Nisbet in Coningsetter, Yell, died October 1623. Marion Williamsdochter his relict. George, James, Andrew, Katherine, Christian, Margaret, and Marion his children.111341348
16240906363. Marion Henriesdochter, spouse to Mathew Blous in Fetlar.111341363
16250901382. Marion Scherar, spouse to Edward Manson in Levanner, Lunnasting.111342382
16250908387. Marion Androsdochter, spouse to Erasmus Manson in Umgesta, Northmaven.111342387
16250915388. Catherine Nisbet, spouse to Gilbert Scot in Kirkabister, Yell, died April 1625. Mathew, William, Peter, Margaret, Marion, and Sinevo her children.111342388
16250920391. Marion Matchesdochter in Burrafirth, Unst.111342391
16270807420. Marion Olawsdochter, spouse to William Laurenson in Northouse, Delting.111352420
16280808424. Marion Olasdochter, spouse of Thomas Erasmusson in Orabuster, Northmaven.111352424
16280818426. Marion Thomasdochter, relict of Andrew Duncan in Unst.111352426
16280920442. Marion Christophersdochter, spouse to Thomas Erasmusson in Setter, Weisdale.12371442
16281011447. Marion Thomasdochter, relict of William Tait in Tronafirth, Tingwall.12371447
16290811457. Marion Alexandersdochter in Southland, Unst.12372457
16290826470. Marion Olasdochter, spouse to Nicol Manson, Aithsting.12381470
16290912475. Marion Graham, spouse of Andrew Tailzeor[1] in Stromness, Whiteness, died March 1628. Magnus and William her children.12381475
16300717482. Marion Ferquair, relict of Henry Coupland of Skae, Unst, died December 1629. David Ferquhair her brother and Katherine her sister.12381482
16300717483. Marion Johnsdochter, spouse of Nicol Johnissone in Watquhy, Unst.12381483
16300717490. Marion Olasdochter, relict of Walter Mansson in Langaschall, Unst.12381490
16300726503. Marion Olausdochter in Housset.12382503
16300807510. Marion Smyth, spouse of Gabriel Erasmusson in Kergord, Weisdale.12382510
16300807518. Marion Thomasdochter, spouse of Andrew Porter in Hewgoland, Northmaven. 12382518
16300823529. Marion Williamsdaughter, relict of Arthur Simpson in Lie, in Whalsay.12391529
16300827533. Magnus McFerssone, spouse to David Bruce in Wilsness, died June 1630. Henry and Marion her children. 12391533
16300827534. Elspeth Copland, spouse to Gilbert Leisk in Soutries (? Scatness), died February 1627. Henry, Laurence, Marione[sic], and Marion her children. 12391534
16300830542. Alexander Drevar in Fitch, Tingwall, died October 1629. Margaret, Marion, and Christian his brother's bairns.12391542
16310810571. Marion Edwardsdochter, spouse to William Jacobson in Setter, Yell.12401571
16320710581. Marion Olasdochter, relict of John Mansone in Westerhouss.12401581
16320710582. Marion Androisdochter, spouse to Christopher Williamson in Aith, Fetlar. 12401582
16320724587. Marion Spence, spouse to Arthur Fressar in Setter, Yell, died June 1632. Andrew her son. 12401587
16331010602. Janet Ingsetter, spouse of Laurence Sinclair in Nisbister, died January 1632. Laurence, Robert, Adam, and Marion her children.12402602
16340903617. Andrew Strang in Underfaillie, Fetlar, died July 1634. Margaret Linklater his relict, John, Henry, Catherine, and Marion his children.12891617
16341023626. Marion Henrysdochter, spouse of Malcolm Halcro in Hoswick, died May 1634. Nicoll, James, Henry, Laurence, and Patrick her children.12891626
16350826631. Marion Cattane, spouse of Henry Manson in Skelberrie, Lunnasting.12892631
16350826632. Marion Mansdochter, spouse to William Stewartsone, Lunnasting.12892632
16350903636. Agnes Pount, spouse of Laurence Andersone in Soitland, died February 1635. Marion, Agnes, and Christian her children.12892636
16380527664. Ola Sinclair in How, in Whiteness, died April 1645. Laurence, Malcolm, Nicol, James, and Marion his children.12892664
16480629679. Marion Caird, spouse to James Archibald in Lie.12902679
16480629680. Marion Petersone, spouse to Magnus Sinclair in Dunrossness.12902680
16480831756. Marion Nicolsdochter, spouse to Hermane Stevensone in Urie.121331756
16490828806. Marion Turvelsdochter, spouse of Olaus Jamiesone in Weisdale.121342806
Marjorie9Marjorie916130816187. Thomas Sinclair in Myre, who died February 1612; Janet (Brown?) his relict, Marjorie, Mary, and Janet his children. 101821187
16130816189. Nicol Mowat in Levenwick, who died June 1602; Marion Thomson his relict, Marion, Isabell, and Marjorie their children. 101821189
16130819198. John Sinclair in Gairthe, Dunrossness, who died August 1602, William, Marjorie, and Margaret his children.101821198
16150803248. Bessie Hunter, spouse to John Manson in Chedasetter, Whalsay, died March 1615. Andrew, Marion, Helen, and Marjorie her children. 11391248
16150805250. James Sinclair of Crosbister, Unst, died November 1613. Marjorie Sinclair his relict, and Margaret his daughter. 11391250
16331025603. Katherine Halcro, spouse of Walter Leisk in Voe, Dunrossness, died May 1632. James, Laurence, Patrick, Grissil, Marjorie, and Elspeth her children.12402603
16341027627. Isobel Moir, spouse of Thomas Linklatter in Laxfirth, died July 1633. William, Robert, James, Marjorie, Janet, Elspeth, and Bessie her children.12891627
16480923780. Marjorie Bruce, spouse to John Cheyne of Tangwick, died 4th April 1645. George, Andrew, and Patrick her sons.121341780
16480927787. Patrick Cheyne of Vaila, died 23rd December 1643, given up by James Cheyne of Raewick, uncle to Patrick, Agnes, Katherine, Christian, and Marjorie his children.121341787
Marote1Marote116300813526. Marote Bruntska, spouse of James Johnson in Scalloway.12391526
Martha5Mart116190807288. Mart Olasdochter, spouse of Arthur Quhyte in Tresta, Aithsting.11911288
Martha416300722497. George Strang in Gord. Jean Arthur his relict, Martha and Marian his children.12382497
16480629672. Malcolm Sinclair, son to Henry Sinclair in Gathesbark, died 15th April 1645. George, William, Isabel, Martha, Mary, and Margaret his brothers and sisters.12901672
16480629684. Henry Leask in Graitness, died June 1643. Isobel Drewer his relict, Patrick, Elspeth, Margaret, Martha, and Katherine his children.12902684
16480629691. Gilbert Sinclair in Norst, died 10th September 1641, given up by William Burgie, now spouse to Grissel Forester his relict, on behalf of Martha his daughter.121321691
Mary8Marie416150917221. James Strang of Voesgarth, Unst, died July 1603, Christian Sinclair his relict, and James, Agnes, Eliza, Helen, and Marie his children.101822221
16300807522. Magnus Giffort, spouse of Andrew Robertson, in Setter, in Bressay, died October 1629. Laurence, Andrew, Alexander, Gilbert, Robert, John, Elspeth, Marie, Katherine, Jean, Doratie, Janet, Helen, Christian, and Isabel her brothers and sisters. [Yes, i1238-391-2522
16310810565. Marie Strang, spouse of Mr. Thomas Hendrie, minister of Walls, died February 1629. Gilbert, James, and Janet her children. 12392565
16480713707. Marie Magnusdochter in Hisdagar.121321707
Mary416130816187. Thomas Sinclair in Myre, who died February 1612; Janet (Brown?) his relict, Marjorie, Mary, and Janet his children. 101821187
16480629672. Malcolm Sinclair, son to Henry Sinclair in Gathesbark, died 15th April 1645. George, William, Isabel, Martha, Mary, and Margaret his brothers and sisters.12901672
16480629673. [sic - should be 683] Robert Bruce of Sumburgh, died March 1636. William his eldest son, Laurence, Andro, Patrick, James, and Mary his children, Isabel and Ola.12902673
16480629693. David Sinclair in Quharne, died September 1648. William, Mary, Janet, and Barbara his children.121321693
Mina1Mina116130816195. Mina Henderson in Dail.101821195
Olave2Olave216130730159. Claray Nisbet, spouse of David Tulloch in Kettisetter, Yell, who died June 1610. Olave, Ingagarth, and Barbara her bairns.101812159
16151002280. Margaret Sinclair, spouse to Gregorious Smith in Lie, Dunrossness, died January 1611. James, Olave, Margaret, and Katherine her children.11392280
Sara6Sara516130724132. Patrick Colt in Braebister, died July 1612. Sara Wishart his spouse.101811132
16150917223. Alexander Scott in Gairdown, Unst, died July 1614, Sinevo Williamsdochter his relict, and Sara and Christian his daughters.101822223
16340826607. Sara Williamsdochter, spouse to Malcolm Gilbertsone in Hamnasetter, Whalsay.12402607
16480623671. Sara Fleyming, spouse of Andrew Mansone in Sound, died March 1645.12901671
16480910771. Elspeth Hawick, spouse to Andrew Stewart in Sandwick, died September 1648. Bartholomew, Sara, and others, children.121332771
Sarah116280807422. Sarah Androisdochter, spouse of John Olasone, alias Ewle, in Papa.111352422
Sinnevo21Sinevo716150917223. Alexander Scott in Gairdown, Unst, died July 1614, Sinevo Williamsdochter his relict, and Sara and Christian his daughters.101822223
16240308340. Sinevo Fraser, spouse to Symond Gray in Clivocast, Unst.111332340
16240308341. Sinevo Johnsdochter, spouse to Matches Olasone in Cliberswick, Unst.111332341
16250915388. Catherine Nisbet, spouse to Gilbert Scot in Kirkabister, Yell, died April 1625. Mathew, William, Peter, Margaret, Marion, and Sinevo her children.111342388
16280818427. David Fouler in Rowland, Unst, died May 1628. Laurence, David, Christian, Magdalen, and Sinevo his children.111352427
16290811461. Sinevo Matchesdochter, relict of _____ Marenssone in Collasetter, Unst.12372461
16340905618. Sinevo Nicolsdochter, spouse of Magnus Hermansone in Failzie, Yell.12891618
Sinnavo116480905765. Sinnavo in Gosabaith, spouse to Walter Jameson in Suasetter.121332765
Sinnevo91613070523. Sinnevo Androisdochter, spouse of Magnus Williamson in Langhouse.10179223
1613070524. John Mowat in Langhouse, died February 1613, Gilbert, William, and Sinnevo his children.10179224
1613071067. Thomas Spens in Failzie, died October 1607, Sinnevo Nicolsdochter his relict, William and Katherine his children.10180167
16290811465. Andro Androison in Cliff, Unst, died March 1629. Ingagarth Androisdochter, his relict, and Sinnevo and Agnes his children.12372465
16320724588. Sinnevo Symondisdochter, spouse to Simon Manson in Little Setter, Yell.12401588
16340829612. Andrew Strang in Burreswick, died October 1633. Magdalen his relict, Sinnevo Androsdochter his daughter.12402612
16350903638. William Gray in Cliff, died February 1634. Sinnevo Schewartsdochter his relict, Walter, Jerome, Agnes, Catherine, and Magdalen his children.12892638
16480818730. Gilbert Scott in Kirkabister, died February 1642. Ingagarth Olasdochter his relict, Matches, Peter, and Sinnevo his children.121322730
16501211811. Christian Edmondston, spouse to William Spence of Houlland, Veil, died April 1650. Osea, John, Sinnevo, and Christian her children. John Neven, Commissary Substitute.121342811
Sinniva11613070753. Sinniva Androisdochter, spouse to Mathew Nisbet in Scutoft, died April 1599, Marion, Elizabeth, and Bryde, children.10180153
Synnevo316150724237. Synnevo Paulsdochter, spouse to Gotherum Lundyman in Funzie, Fetlar.101832237
16150731244. Synnevo Thurvaldsdochter, spouse of Manse Olawson in Otterswick, Yell.11391244
16150917228. Synnevo Williamsdochter, spouse of Ola Nicolson in Nordaill, Fetlar.101831228
Sophia1Sophia116280826435. Thomas Aikler in Utterbuster, Yell, died March 1628. Katherine Sutherland his relict, Andrew, Sophia, Elspeth, and Ingagarth his children.111352435
Susana1Susana116480910772. Edward Sinclair in Ska, Whalsay, died May 1646. Susana Antonsdochter his relict, Sheward, Andrew, Marian, and Christian, children.121332772
Syne1Syne116320724586. Syne Thomasdochter, relict of Finla Donaldson in Bunaland, Northmaven. 12401586
Ursella1Ursella116480930789. Ursella Edmesson, spouse of Ninian Nevin of Windhouse, died 8th December 1646. Gilbert, James, Rodger, Andrew, Barbara, and Bessie his children.121341789
Zinneir1Zinneir11613070515. William Smyth in Stravald, and Zinneir Johnsdochter his spouse.10179115
(blank)1(blank)116480706698. William Sinclair in Swinbuster, died April 1620? .... Bannatyne his spouse, Barbara his daughter.121321698

[1] Likely Tailȝeor in the original manuscript.

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