Index of Names in Irish Annals: Éinri

by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien)

© 2000-2015 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 2.5, updated 27 January 2015

Masculine Given Names: Éinri


What we know as a set of Irish Annals are manuscripts that were each compiled during a particular time period, usually using older material as sources. For example, when the Annals of the Four Masters were written from 1632 to 1636, they covered events that occurred centuries and millenia before (including legendary history). So, when an entry in this set of annals refers to a person who lived in the year 738, the spelling used for that person's name is very likely not using the spelling that would have been used in 738.

Standard forms of this name (based on spelling systems of different periods) would be:

Note: See also Anraoi, Annraoi.

Frequency & Dates:

Number of men found in the annals with this name: 22
Found in Years: 1249, 1282, 1285, 1297, 1310, 1316, 1319, 1322, 1337, 1347, 1355, 1359, 1362, 1839, 1392, 1401, 1404, 1412, 1414, 1419, 1420, 1422, 1435, 1437, 1460, 1470, 1493, 1497, 1498, 1501, 1502, 1508, 1509, 1517, 1518, 1523, 1526, 1530, 1532, 1572

Research Notes:


Further information about the name Éinri, may be found in:

The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. Information about secondary sources is included on that page as well.

Raw Data

In the table below, I have separated individuals with a blank line. That is, when there are multiple entries in the annals that refer to a single person, those entries are grouped together.

Within the list of entries refering to a single person, I have sorted the entries primarily by orthography when it is obvious that what I am seeing is the same entry showing up in multiple annals. The entries that tend to use older spellings are listed first.

Special factors which may affect name usage are marked in the context column.

ANindicates a member of an Anglo-Norman family
ASindicates an Anglo-Saxon
Nindicates a Norseman
Pindicates a Pict
Rindicates a person holding a religious office
Sindicates a person from Scotland

NOTE: The Annals referenced below under the code letters A, B, C, E, & F tend to use later spellings than the other Annals. In some cases, the spellings listed in these Annals may not be appropriate for the year referenced in the Annal entry.

In some Gaelic scripts, there is a character that looks approximately like a lowercase f, but without the crossbar. This character (represented by an underscored , e, in the entries below) sometimes represents e and sometimes ea depending upon the context of the text.

AnnalsEntryContextCitation (formatting preserved)
(d. ?)
Co1249.5ANPiarrus mac Enri Puer
Co1249.5ANPiarrus Puer
(d. 1282-1285)
U2U1282.4Enri Mac Gille Fhinnein
Co1285.7Enri Mac Gilla Finnein
(d. 1297)
Co1297.3Enri Mag Orechtaig espoc Condaire & manach liath d'ort Tisirti ["Enri Mag Oirechtaig, Bishop of Connor and a Grey Monk of the Cistercian Order"]
(d. 1319)
U2U1316.1REnri Mac in Crosain, espuc Ratha Both
Co1319.2REspoc Ratha Both .i. Enri Mac an Crosan
LCLC1319.1REspog Ratha both .i. Enri mac an Crosan
(d. 1319-1322)
Co1310.8hEnri Mac Gilli Findein toisech Muintire Peotachain
U2U1319.6Enri Mac Gilli Fhinnein, taisech Muínnteri Peodachan
Co1322.6Enri Mac Gilli Finnein taisech Muintiri Peotachain
LCLC1322.7Enri mac Gillifinnein, taisech Muintiri Peotachan
CM1322.5Hannraoi Mac Gille Fhinnéin taoiseach Muintire Feodacháin
(d. 1337)
Co1337.11Enri Mac Martin
(d. 1347)
Co1347.7Enri mac Aeda Buide h. Neill
LCLC1347.5Enri mac Aedha buide .H. Neill
U2U1362.8Brian mac Enri Uí Neill
Co1389.10mac Enri I Neill
Co1392.7Domnall mac Enri h. Neill
Co1392.7mac Enri
Co1435.12Brian Og mac Briain meic Enri h. Neill
(d. 1355)
Co1355.11ANEnri mac Pilpin ["Henry son of Pilpin [Burke]"]
(d. 1359)
Co1359.9Enri mac Uillec meic Ricairt
[Énri Amhreaidh mac Néll Móir Uí Néill] (d. 1392)
DM1389.10Aiffric inghen Aodha Uí Néill, bein Henri Aimhreidh Uí Néill
Co1392.3Enri Amred per antrificim, mac Nel Moir h. Nel, rigdamna hErend de iure & adbar rig Ulad cin amurus dia marad ["Enri, 'the Quarrelsome' per antiphrasim, son of Niall Mor O Neill, eligible prince of Ireland de jure and undoubtedly destined to be king of Ulster"]
FMvol. 4, p. 722, 1392Enrí aim.reid. mac neill móir uí néill rioghdamhna cenél neog.ain
Co1401.26ridamna na nEoganach .i. Brian mac Enri Amreid h. Neill ["prospective king of Tir Eogain, namely Brian son of Enri Aimreid O Neill"]
Co1401.26mac Enri
Co1401.26mac h. Neill
Co1404.8Domnall mac Enri h. Neill
Co1412.15Aed mac Enri h. Neill
Co1414.3clainn Enri h. Neill
Co1419.26Ua Neill .i. Domnall mac Enri Amreid
Co1470.4slicht Enrigh Aimreidh
Co1470.4slicht Enri
(d. ?)
Co1401.26Enri h. Garmlegaid
(d. 1419)
Co1419.29Enri Og Mac Flannchaid
(d. ?)
Co1420.2Enri [Noted as being a kinsman of "Cathal mac Taidc Meic Flannchaid dux Dartraide"]
[Éinri Dalatún] (d. ?)
Co1422.26ANEnri Dalatun tigerna Iarthair Mide
[Éinri mac Eogháin Uí Neill] (d. ?)
MCB1MCB1437.6Enri mac Eoghain I Neill
MCB1MCB1437.7O Neil, Henri mac Eoghain
MCB1MCB1437.10Enri mac Eoghain mic Neil Oig I Neil
Co1493.2H. Nell .i. Conn mac Enri
Co1497.8Eilonora inghen Iarla Cille Dara ben I Nell .i. Conn mac Enri mcic Eogain
Co1498.2H. Nell .i. Enri Oc mac Enri meic Eoghain tigerna Ceneoil Eoghain
Co1498.6h. Nell .i. Domnall mac Enríg meic Eoghain
Co1501.7Toirrdelbach mac Cuinn meic Enrigh meic Eogain h. Nell
EM1502.9Art mac Enri mic Eoccain Uí Neill
Co1509.6Art mac Cuinn meic Enri meic Eogain h. Nell
Co1517.3Sean mac Cuinn meic Enri meic Eogain hI Nell
Co1518.2Aodh Balp mac Cuinn meic Enri meic Eogain I Nell
Co1518.3Clann hI Neill .i. clann Domnaill meic Enrí meic Eogain
Co1518.3Brian mac Cuinn meic Enrí
LC2LC1518.1Oedh Balbh, mac Cuinn mic Enrí mic Eogain h-I Neill
Co1523.11h. Neill .i. Conn mac Coinn meic Enri meic Eogain
Co1530.6Sorcha ingen Aodho Oic meic Aodho an Enigh meic Neill meic Coinn uxor h. Neill .i. Conn mac Coinn meic Enrí
LC2LC1530.4Sorcha ingen Aodha Óig mic Aodha an Einigh mic Neill mic Cuind, uxor hi Neill .i. Cuinn mic Cuinn mic Enrí
(d. 1460)
Co1460.3Mac Caba .i. Enri mac Gilla Crist Meic Caba
[Éinri Óg mac Éinri mhic Eogháin Uí Neill] (d. 1498)
Co1493.2Enrí Óc [Noted as being the brother of "H. Nell .i. Conn mac Enri"]
Co1497.4h. Nell .i. Enrí Óc
Co1498.2H. Nell .i. Enri Oc mac Enri meic Eoghain tigerna Ceneoil Eoghain
Co1498.6Feidhlim mac Enrig Oic
(d. 1508)
EM1508.11Enrí mac Briain Mic Caba
[Éinri Balbh Ó Neill] (d. ?)
Co1516.2Enri mBalp h. Nell
(d. ?)
Co1532.13Concobar mac Enri h. Cathain
[Éinri mac Seáin Uí Neill] (d. ?)
Co1526.6mac Seain h. Neill .i. Enri
(d. 1572)
EM1572.6Henrí Ó Craidhen cendaighe saidhbhir sochonaigh d'Iochtar Connacht ["Henry O'Craidhen, a rich and affluent merchant of Lower Connaught"]

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