Index of Names in Irish Annals: Máirghréad

by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien)

© 2000-2008 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 2.8, updated 22 March 2008

Feminine Given Names: Máirghréad


What we know as a set of Irish Annals are manuscripts that were each compiled during a particular time period, usually using older material as sources. For example, when the Annals of the Four Masters were written from 1632 to 1636, they covered events that occurred centuries and millenia before (including legendary history). So, when an entry in this set of annals refers to a person who lived in the year 738, the spelling used for that person's name is very likely not using the spelling that would have been used in 738.

Standard forms of this name (based on spelling systems of different periods) would be:

Frequency & Dates:

Number of women found in the annals with this name: 26
Found in Years: 1361, 1364, 1406, 1433, 1445, 1447, 1451, 1459, 1469, 1471, 1474, 1483, 1488, 1490, 1493, 1498, 1508, 1513, 1529, 1544, 1553, 1563, 1568, 1572, 1579, 1582, 1584, 1591, 1593, 1597, 1598, 1662

Research Notes:


Further information about the name Máirghréad, may be found in:

The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. Information about secondary sources is included on that page as well.

Raw Data

In the table below, I have separated individuals with a blank line. That is, when there are multiple entries in the annals that refer to a single person, those entries are grouped together.

Within the list of entries refering to a single person, I have sorted the entries primarily by orthography when it is obvious that what I am seeing is the same entry showing up in multiple annals. The entries that tend to use older spellings are listed first.

NOTE: The Annals referenced below under the code letters A, B, C, E, & F tend to use later spellings than the other Annals. In some cases, the spellings listed in these Annals may not be appropriate for the year referenced in the Annal entry.

In some Gaelic scripts, there is a character that looks approximately like a lowercase f, but without the crossbar. This character (represented by an underscored , e, in the entries below) sometimes represents e and sometimes ea depending upon the context of the text.

AnnalsEntryContextCitation (formatting preserved)
(d. 1361-1364)
U2U1361.4ANIngin Baiter a Burc, ben Aedha mic Feidhlimidh
Co1364.7ANMargrec ingen Uater a Burcc ben meic Feidlim
LC2LC1364.6ANMarghrec, inghean Uater a Burcc, ben mic Feidhlimidh
CM1364.2ANMairgreg inghen Uatér A Burc ben Aodha mic Feidhlimidh Uí Concobhair
CM1364.4ANMairghreg inghen Uátéir A Búrc bean Aedha mic Feidlimidh Uí Concobair ri Connacht
Clyear 1364 (p. 301)ANMargarett, Daughter of Walter Burk, & wife of Hugh mcffelym king of Conaught [Note: 17th C translation.]
(d. 1406)
DM1406.7Mairgreg inghen Toirrdhelbhaigh, mic Eoghain Meic Suibhne ben t-Seain mic Domhnaill mic Neill Uí Domhnaill
(d. 1451)
Co1433.2Margreg ingen h. Ceruaill
DM1433.8Mairghréicc inghen Uí Cerbhaill ben Ui Conchobhair Fhailghigh (an Calbhach)
U3U1433.3Mhairgreig, ingen h-Ui Cerbaill, [unrelated] - .i. ben an Calbaigh h-Ui Concobuir, .i. rí h-Ua Failghi
Co1445.6Margreg ingen h. Cerbaill
DM1447.7Fionnghuala (inghean an Chalbhaigh Ui Chonchobhair Failgigh & Mairgrege inghene Uí Cerbhaill) ben Uí Domhnaill ["Finola, the daughter of Calvagh O'Conor Faly, and of Margaret, daughter of O'Carroll"]
Co1451.2Margreg ingen Taidc h. Cerbaill ri Ele, aenroga ban Gaidel
DM1451.3Mairgrécc inghen Ui Cherbhaill (Tadhg) ben Ui Conchobhair Fhailgigh (An Calbhach)
LC2LC1451.2Mairgreg ingen I Cerbaill, bean I Conchobair Failge, .i. an Calbach
U3U1451.2Mairgreg, ingen h-Ui Cerbaill, .i. ingen righ Eile, ben h-Ui Concobuir Fhailghi, .i. in Calbach, mac Murchaidh h-Ui Concobuir ["Margaret, daughter of Ua Cerbaill, namely, daughter of the king of Eili, wife of Ua Concobuir Failghi, that is, the Calbach, son of Murchadh Ua Concobuir"]
Co1451.2Margreci [Note: name is in genitive case due to sentence structure.]
Co1471.28mac Margrege in Enig ingine h. Cerbaill [Note: Margrege is in the genitive case due to sentence structure.]
DM1471.3Mairgreicce an Einigh Uí Chearbhaill [Note: name is in genitive case due to sentence structure.]
(d. 1451)
U3U1451.4Mairgreg, ingen Briain, mic Enri h-Ui Neill, .i. ben Ruaidhrí Caich, mic Tomais Moir Mheg Uidhir
(d. 1459)
U3U1459.12Mairgreg, ingen h-Ui Breislen, .i. mathair Phiarusa, mic an Abaidh
(d. 1469)
DM1469.10Mairgrecc ingen Pilip mic an Giolla Duibh Meg Uidir ben mec Gille Fhinnein
U3U1469.9Mairgrég, ingen Pilib mic in Gilla Duibh Meg Uidhir, .i. ben Mic Gilla Fhinnein, .i. Taidhg, mic Briain Mic Gilla Fhinnein
(d. 1474)
U3U1474.10Mairgreg, ingen Aedha Ruaidh Meg Mathgamna, .i. bean Donnchaidh, mic Tomais Oig Meg Uidhir
(d. 1483)
U3U1483.15Mairgreg, ingen Briain, mic Conchubhair Oig Meg Raghnaill, [unrelated], .i. an ben do bi ag Feidlim Mac Maghnusa ["Margaret, daughter of Brian, son of Conchobuir Mag Raghnaill junior, namely, the wife of Feidlim Mac Maghnusa"]
(d. 1488)
U3U1488.17ANMairghreg Dalatun, ingen Ainntriu Dalatun, .i. bean h-Ui Fherghail, .i. ben Domnaill Buidhe, mic Domnaill, mic Sheaain, mic Domnaill h-Ui Fhergail
(d. 1490)
U3U1490.13Margreg, ingen t-Semais, mic Mic Balront, .i. bean Tomais, mic Glaisne Ui Raghalligh
(d. 1490)
U3U1493.1Mairgreg, ingen Meg Uidhir, .i. ingen Tomais Oig, mic an Gilla Dhuibh Meg Uidhir, .i. bean Mic Gilla Ruaidh, .i. Domnaill, mic Mail t-Shechlainn, mic an Gilla Bhallaigh Mic Gilla Ruaidh ["Margaret, daughter of Mag Uidhir, namely, daughter of Thomas junior, son of the black Gillie Mag Uidhir, that is, wife of Mac Gilla-ruaidh, namely, of Domnall, son of Mael-Shechlainn, son of the freckled Gillie Mac Gilla-ruaidh"]
(d. 1498)
DM1498.14Mairghrécc inghen Domhnaill Bhallaigh Meg Uidhir ben Uí Flannagáin (.i. Gillibert) Tuaithe Rátha
U3U1498.12Mairgreg, ingen Domnaill Ballaigh Meg Uidhir,.i. ben h-Ui Fhlannagain Tuaithi Ratha, .i. Gillibert h-Ua Fhlannagain
(d. 1513)
EM1508.28Mairghrég inghen Conchobhair Uí Briain
Co1513.2Mairghrec inghen Concobair hI Briain ben h. Ruairc
LC2LC1513.1Mairghrég ingen Conchobair h-I Bríain, .i. ben h-I Ruairc
U3U1512.6Mairgréc, ingen Concobuir Uí Briain, bantigerna Ichtair Connacht o t-Sliab anúas ar tús & ben Uí Ruairc ["Margaret, daughter of Concobur O'Briain, queen of Lower Connacht, from the Mountain down, first and wife of O'Ruairc"]
(d. 1529)
U3U1529.6Inghen Mhég Raith [unrelated], .i. Mairgreg, an bhen do bhi ag Cormac Ruadh O Mhuirghesa ["The daughter of Mag Craith, namely, Margaret, the wife Cormac O'Muirghesa the Red"]
(d. 1544)
EM1544.6Mairgrég inghen Meic Domhnaill (.i. inghen Aongusa Iligh) ben I Domhnaill .i. Maghnus, (iar Siubháin ingin I Neill)
EM1553.8Inghen Uí Conchobair Failghe Mairghrécc
(d. 1563)
EM1563.3ANMairgrecc inghen t-Semais, mic Seain, mic Tomais, mic an iarla ben Meic Muiris Chiarraighe
(d. 1568)
LC2LC1568.3Cundaois Chlainni Ricaird .i. Mairghrég, ingen Donnchada mic Conchobair h-I Briain
EM1568.1Contaois Cloinne Riocaird .i. Mairgrecc inghen Donnchaidh mic Conchobhair mic Toirrdhealbhaigh
(d. 1572)
EM1572.3Mairgreg inghen Conchobhair mic Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Taidhcc Uí Bhriain
(d. ?)
SAL[no entry #;
no date]
ANMairgréag Builtéir .i. bean Mhic Giollapháttric
(d. 1579)
LC2LC1579.17Mairgreg ingen Briain meic Diarmada Ruaidh, an ben do bhi ag Cathal mac Eogain meic Donnchada ["Margaret, daughter of Brian Mac Diarmada Ruadh, the wife of Cathal, son of Eoghan Mac Donnchadha"]
(d. 1582)
LC2LC1581.32Inghen h-I Domnaill .i. Mairgríg ingen Aodha Duibh mic Aodha Ruaidh, ocus ben Mhaoil Mhórdha mic Seain mic Cathail h-I Raighilligh
EM1582.1Mairghrég inghen Aodha Duibh, mic Aodha Ruaidh, mic Neill Gairbh, mic Toirrdelbhaigh an Fhiona Uí Dhomhnaill, ben Uí Raighilligh (Maol Mórdha mac Seain, mic Cathail)
(d. 1584)
LC2LC1584.3Mairgrecc ingen Mic Donnchada, ben Ui Duibgendain
(d. 1591)
FM1591.3Mairgreg inghean Domhnaill mic Conchobhair, mic Toirrdhealbhaigh, mic Taidhcc, mic Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Briain Chatha an Aonaigh Uí Bhriain, ben Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Briain mic Donnchaidh mhec Mathghamhna
(d. 1593)
FM1593.13Mairghrécc inghen Uí Bhaoighill (Toirrdhealbhach)
FM1597.17ANMairghrecc inghen Tómais Ciosocc
FM1598.39ANMairgreig Ciosócc
(d. 1662)
MGMG1662.1Mairgréag inghean an tSeáin roimhe ráite .i. Seán Mhegaonghusa, easpóg Dúin & Cuinnir

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