by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien)
© 2000-2015 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 2.1, updated 21 May 2015
What we know as a set of Irish Annals are manuscripts that were each compiled during a particular time period, usually using older material as sources. For example, when the Annals of the Four Masters were written from 1632 to 1636, they covered events that occurred centuries and millenia before (including legendary history). So, when an entry in this set of annals refers to a person who lived in the year 738, the spelling used for that person's name is very likely not using the spelling that would have been used in 738.
Standard forms of this name (based on spelling systems of different periods) would be:
Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) nominative form: | Mac Goisdelb |
Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) genitive form: | Mac Goisdealbh |
Number of people found in the annals with this name: | 44 |
Found in Years: | 1193, 1194, 1195, 1200, 1201, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1225, 1236, 1245, 1247, 1253, 1256, 1259, 1263, 1266, 1282, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1291, 1312, 1217, 1325, 1327, 1328, 1330, 1333, 1337, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1366, 1383, 1416, 1428, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1461, 1464, 1467, 1468, 1487, 1493, 1496, 1536, 1545, 1547, 1549, 1551, 1555, 1557, 1560, 1561, 1581, 1582, 1586, 11588, 1589 |
FM (vol. 3, pp. 98-99, footnote "k") states:
The Sons of Osdealv, i. e. the Mac Costelloes. –- According to the Annals of Kilronan, the island of Inish Cothrann was plundered this year by Gilbert Mac Gosdealv, and his English followers, and the sons of Gilchdreest Mac Carroon, vis., Gilla Croichefraich and Auliffe, who had the tribe of Muintir Maeltsinna with them. According to the Dublin copy of the Annals of Innisfallen, it was plundered by Gilbert de Nangle; and this is correct, for De Nangle was the original name of the Costelloes.
Woulfe (p. 397 s.n. Mac Oisdealb., Mac states:
'son of Oisdealb.' (Os-shaped, shaped like the god Os); a patronymic surname assumed by the family of Nangle. It is the earliest Anglo-Irish Mac-surname recorded in the Annals (A.D. 1193).
Further information about the name Mac Goisdelb / Mac Goisdealbh may be found in:
The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. Information about secondary sources is included on that page as well.
In the table below, I have separated individuals with a blank line. That is, when there are multiple entries in the annals that refer to a single person, those entries are grouped together.
Within the list of entries refering to a single person, I have sorted the entries primarily by orthography when it is obvious that what I am seeing is the same entry showing up in multiple annals. The entries that tend to use older spellings are listed first.
Special factors which may affect name usage are marked in the context column.
AN | indicates a member of an Anglo-Norman family |
N | indicates a Norseman |
R | indicates a person holding a religious office |
S | indicates a person from Scotland |
NOTE: The Annals referenced below under the code letters A, B, C, E, & F tend to use later spellings than the other Annals. In some cases, the spellings listed in these Annals may not be appropriate for the year referenced in the Annal entry.
In some Gaelic scripts, there is a character that looks approximately like a lowercase f,
but without the crossbar. This character (represented by an underscored
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[Standardized Gaelic form of this person's name] (modern literal translation of person's name) Annals Entry Context Citation (formatting preserved) (d. 1212-1213) C M1193.10 AN la macaibh Oisdealb [""] U U1194.5 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdealbh C M1194.5 AN Gillebert Mac Goisdealbhaigh LC LC1193.14 AN Gilli Pert mac Goisdealb LC LC1194.6 AN Gilli Pert mac Goisdealbh LC LC1195.4 AN Mac Goisdelb C M1195.8 AN Mac Goisdelbhaigh LC LC1200.2 AN mac Goisdealb LC LC1200.2 AN la macaibh Goisdelbh ["the sons of Goisdelbh"] I I1201.12 AN mc. Oisdelb MCB1 MCB1201.2 AN Mac Coisdealba U2 U1212.5 AN Gillibert Mic Ghoisdealbh LC LC1212.1 AN Gilli Bert mic Goisdelb C M1211.4 AN Gillibeirt Mic Goisdelbhaig U2 U1213.7 AN Gillibert Mac Coisdealbh LC LC1213.2 AN Gilli Bert mac Goisdelb C M1212.3 AN Gillibert mac Goisdelbhaigh (d. ?) LC LC1214.6 AN Pilip mic Goisdelbh C M1214.7 AN Philip Mac Goisdelbhaigh LC LC1225.21 AN Philip mac Goisdealbh C M1225.7 AN Pilip Meic Goisdelbhaigh (d. ?) LC LC1236.13 AN mic Goisdealbh C M1236.7 AN Mac Goisdelb (d. 1259) LC LC1245.6 AN Mhilidh Mac Goisdelbh C M1245.5 AN Milidh Mac Goisdelbh LC LC1247.4 AN Míligh mac Goisdelbh C M1247.6 AN Milidh Mac Goisdelbh LC LC1247.4 AN Mic Goisdelb C M1247.6 AN Meic Goisdelbh LC LC1253.6 AN Inghen in iarla Ulltaigh, .i. ben Mhílid Mic Goisdelbh C M1253.7 AN Ingen an iarla Ultoigh ben Milidh Mic Goisdealbhaigh LC LC1256.5 AN Mic Goisdelb Co 1259.10 AN Milid Mac Goisdelb LC LC1259.5 AN Milidh Mac Goisdelbh C M1259.10 AN Milidh Mac Goisdelbhaigh (d. ?) Co 1259.11 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdelb LC LC1259.6 AN Gillebert Mac Goisdelbh C M1259.11 AN Gillbert Mac Goisdealbhaigh C M1259.11 AN Gillbert (d. ?) U2 U1263.22 AN Aedh Buidhe h-Ua Neill do thabairt inghine Mic Goisdealbaigh in uxorem. ["Aedh Ua Neill the Tawny took the daughter of Mac Goisdealbaigh to wife."] (d. 1266) LC LC1266.13 AN Húga mac Goisdelbh (d. 1286) U2 U1282.3 AN Pilib Mac Goisdeilb LC LC1285.2 AN Pilip mac Goisdelbh C M1285.6 AN Pilib Mac Goisdelbhaigh C M1286.2 AN Pilib Mac Goisdealbhaigh (d. 1287-1291) U2 U1287.5 AN Tomas Mac Goisdelbh LC LC1291.7 AN Tomas Mac Goisdelb C M1291.7 AN Tomás Mac Goisdealbhaigh (d. 1287-1291) U2 U1287.5 AN Daibhith Mac Goistelbh LC LC1291.7 AN Dauid Mac Goisdelb C M1291.7 AN Dauit Mac Goisdealbhaigh (d. 1330-1333) U2 U1312.5 AN Gilleberd Mac Goisdelbh LC LC1317.6 AN Gilliberd Mac Goisdelb C M1317.6 AN Gillbert Mac Goisdealbhaigh U2 U1325.11 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdelbh U2 U1327.2 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdelb LC LC1328.16 AN Gilliberd Mac Goisdelbh C M1328.17 AN Gillbert Mac Goisdealbhaigh C M1328.17 AN Gillbert U2 U1330.3 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdelbh Co 1330.3 AN Gilliberd Mac Goisdelb tigerna Slebi Luga LC LC1330.1 AN Gilleberd Mac Goisdelbh, tighearna Slebhi Luga C M1330.7 AN Gillbert Mac Goisdelbhaigh (tigerna Slebhe Lugha Co 1333.7 AN Gilliberd Mac Goisdelb LC LC1333.5 AN Gilleberd Mac Goisdelbh C M1333.5 AN Gillibert Mac Goisdelbhaigh (d. ?) U2 U1333.8 AN Maiug mac Bailtrin Mic Ghoisdealb U2 U1343.1 (col.1) AN clainn Bailltrin Mic Goisdelb C M1346.6 AN cloinn Uaildrin Meic Goisdealbhaigh (d. 1337) U2 U1337.14 AN Iníug ingen Mic Goisdelb, ben Eogain Mic Fingin (d. 1337-1340) U2 U1337.5 AN Siurtan Ruadh Mac Goisdelb Co 1340.7 AN Siurtan Ruad Mac Goisdelb LC LC1340.5 AN Siurtan ruadh Mac Goisdelb C M1340.6 AN Siúrtan Ruadh Mac Goisdealbhaigh (d. 1337-1340) U2 U1337.15 AN Uilliam mac Gillibert Mic Goisdelbh C M1340.13 AN Uilliam mac Gillibert Mic Goisdealbaigh (d. 1366) C M1366.10 AN Seaan Mac Goisdealbhaigh tigearna Slebhe Lugha (d. 1383) D M1383.21 AN Milig Mac Oisdelb (d. 1416) U3 U1416.1 AN Seaan Mac Goisdelbh D M1416.19 AN Sean mac Goisdelb (d. ?) D M1428.11 AN Seaan Mac Oisdelbh (d. 1428) D M1428.11 AN Sean Fionn Mac Oisdelbh (d. 1437) D M1437.7 AN Mac Oisdelb .i. Emann an Mhachaire (d. 1438) D 1438.17 AN Siurtan mac Seain Mec Oisdeilbh (d. ?) D M1439.20 AN Mhac Oisdelb Ruaidh (d. 1467) Co 1461.5 AN Mac Goisdelbh D M1461.6 AN Mac Goisdelbhaigh D M1467.11 AN Dauidh Mac Goisdelbhaigh (d. 1468) D M1464.18 AN h-Emann an Mhachaire Mac Goisdelbhaigh D M1468.11 AN Emann an Machaire Mac Goisdelbaigh (d. ?) D M1468.11 AN Uilliam Mac Goisdelbhaigh (d. 1487) U3 U1487.44 AN Mac Goisdelbh [unrelated], .i. Seaan Co 1487.9 AN Mac Oisdelp [unrelated] .i. Sean LC2 LC1487.8 AN Mac Goisdelbh, .i. Sean D M1487.23 AN Sean Dabh Mac Goisdelbhaigh tighearna Slebe Lugha (d. ?) D M1487.23 AN Uilliam mac Emainn an Machaire (d. ?) D M1487.23 AN Siúrtan mac Pilip Mec Goisdelbhaigh (d. 1493) U3 U1493.4 AN Daibith, mac Mail Ir, mic Emaind an Mhachaire Mic Goisdelbh (d. ?) U3 U1496.40 AN Mac Goisdealbh (d. 1536) Co 1536.5 AN Mac Goisdelp Co 1536.33 AN Mac Goisdealb .i. Sean mac an Gilla Duib LC2 LC1536.4 AN Mac Goisdelbh .i. Sean Dubh LC2 LC1536.30 AN Mac Goisdealbh .i. Seun mac an Ghiolla Dhuibh E M1536.19 AN Mac Goisdealbhaigh Sean mac An Ghiolla Dhuibh (d. ?) LC2 LC1536.12 AN Chille Cholmáin .i. baile mic Rugraidhi mic Goisdelbh ["Cill-Colmain, i.e. the town of the son of Rughraidhe Mac Goisdelbh"] E M1536.11 AN Cille Colmain .i. baile Mic Rudhraighe Mic Goisdealbhaig (d. 1545) LC2 LC1545.2 AN Mac Goisdealbh .i. Bhaiter mac Uilliam Mic Goisdealbh LC2 LC1545.2 AN Mac Goisdealbh ocus a mac .i. Rugraidhe ["Mac Goisdelbh and his son, i.e. Rughraidhe"] (d. 1545) LC2 LC1545.2 AN Mac Goisdealbh ocus a mac .i. Rugraidhe ["Mac Goisdelbh and his son, i.e. Rughraidhe"] (d. 1555) LC2 LC1536.30 AN f-Píarrus Mac Goisdealbh LC2 LC1555.12 AN Mac Goisdealbh .i. Píarus (d. 1561) LC2 LC1545.2 AN Siurtán m-Buidhe mac Seain mic Bháiter Mic Goisdealbh LC2 LC1545.2 AN Siurtán Buidhe LC2 LC1547.1 AN Siurtán m-Buidhe mac Seain mic Bháiter Mic Goisdealbh LC2 LC1547.1 AN Siurtán Buidhe LC2 LC1549.6 AN Mac Goisdealbh LC2 LC1551.6 AN th-Shiurtan m-Buidhe mac Seain mic Uateir mic g-Coisdealb LC2 LC1551.6 AN Siurtan LC2 LC1554.1 AN Siurtán m-Buidhi mac Seain mic Bhaiter Mic Goisdealbh LC2 LC1557.5 AN mac Goisdealbh LC2 LC1560.5 AN Shiurtan Bhuidhe mac Seain mic Bháiter Mic Goisdealbh LC2 LC1561.6 AN Siurtán Buidhe mac Seain mhic Bhaiter Mic Goisdealb (d. 1581) LC2 LC1581.15 AN Tomas an t-Sléibhe mac Risderd Mic Goisdelbh (d. 1582) LC2 LC1582.2 AN Clann an Gilla Dhuibh Mic Goisdealbh, .i. an Gilla Dubh Óg ocus Egnechán ["The sons of the Gilla-dubh Mac Goisdelbh, viz., the Gilla-dubh Og, and Egnechán"] (d. 1582) LC2 LC1582.2 AN Clann an Gilla Dhuibh Mic Goisdealbh, .i. an Gilla Dubh Óg ocus Egnechán ["The sons of the Gilla-dubh Mac Goisdelbh, viz., the Gilla-dubh Og, and Egnechán"] (d. ?) LC2 LC1586.34 AN Mac Goisdealb .i. Sean mac in Gilla Dhuibh meic Hoiberd (d. 1586) LC2 LC1586.3 AN Mac mic Goisdelb, .i. Uilliem mac Pierassa LC2 LC1586.3 AN Mac mic Goisdelb, .i. Uilliem mac Pierassa (d. 1588) LC2 LC1588.12 AN Mac mic Goisdelba [unrelated] .i. Emann (d. 1589) LC2 LC1589.49 AN Mac mic Goisdealb .i. Uilliam Caoch mac Siurtain mic Seain Dhuibh Family References:
[Clann Goisdealbh] [Clann, literally 'Children', was originally literal, referring to the children of a person, but later came to refer to larger groups of descendants.] C M1247.6 Clann Goisdelbh LC LC1247.4 Clainn Goisdelbh U2 U1333.8 Clainn n-Goisdelbh LC LC1336.5 Cloinn Goisdelbh U2 U1362.3 Clainn Goisdelb U2 U1362.3 Clainn Goisdelb U3 U1412.10 Clann Goisdelbh Co 1536.13 Clainn Goisdealb LC2 LC1536.12 g-Clainn Ghoisdealbh [Clann Goisdealbhach?] C M1336.5 Cloinn Ghoisdelbhaigh [genitive case] C M1365.5 Cloinn Goisdealbhaigh [genitive case] D M1381.3 Cloinn Goisdealbhaigh [genitive case] D M1443.9 Cloinn Goisdelbhaigh [genitive case] D M1475.12 c-Cloinn Goisdelbhaigh [genitive case] E M1536.11 c-Cloinn Goisdealbhaigh [genitive case] [Goisdealbhach?] D M1412.10 Goisdealbhaigh [genitive case] E M1537.2 Goisdealbhaigh [genitive case] [Goisdealbhachaibh] (plural: "Costellos") D M1487.16 Goisdelbhachaibh F M1595.8 Goisdealbhachaibh F M1595.8 Goisdealbhchaibh F M1599.16 Ghoisdealbachaibh References to Locations Held by this Family:
[general references to land held by this family] LC LC1230.2 mic Goisdelbh LC2 LC1557.5 mac Goisdealbh [Caislen Mhic Goisdealbh] U2 U1247.2 Caislen Mic Goisdeilbh [Caislen Mór Mhic Goisdealbh] (demolished 1336) LC LC1242.14 chaisslen Mic Goisdelbh U2 U1333.10 Caislen mor Mic Goisdelbh C M1336.9 Caislén Mor Meic Goisdealbhaigh [Caislen Mó Mhic Goisdealbh] / [Caislen Mór Mhic Goisdealbhaigh] C M1527.14 Caislén Mór Mic Goisdealbhaigh LC2 LC1586.34 Caislen mor Meic g-Coisdealb F M1595.8 c-Caislén Mhór mhec Goisdealbhaigh
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