Names From Old Aberdeen, 1636: Full Names

by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (Kathleen M. O'Brien)

© 2011 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 1.2, updated 25 August 2011

Items to Note:

  1. The title "Mr." shown for some men in the list below is not used as a general male honorific as it is today. Instead, in this time and place, it was used to to denote someone with a university degree (Masters). As Old Aberdeen was a university town, it makes sense that there were the number of men with this title in this location.

  2. Occupations found in the list below are gathered together in a separate list along with annotations and meanings where those may be identified.

  3. In cases where the entry identified a person as a servant, but the word servant did not follow their name, I have used the convention [servant] to identify their occupation while indicating that this exact word did not immediately follow their name.

    This situation usually occurs when a list of servants is given for a household but the word servantes only appears at the end of that list.

  4. There is a single example of a man listed in the transcription with two given names. This entry is misleading because the double given name is almost certainly a transcription error. The entry, as transcribed, shows:
    Robert George Smythe, his wyff, his dochter, George Blythe and Elspet Hendersone, servantes. [p. 351 entry 6]

    Given norms for 17th C Scottish manuscripts, the manuscript likely read:

    robert george smythe his wyff his dochter george blythe and elspet hendersone servantes.

    though it may have had a capital or two in the entry. The majority of entries in this list of inhabitants show the primary resident's occupation directly following their name. If smythe is a surname in this entry, then this entry shows no occupation which, while not impossible, is definitely not likely. So, smythe should be read as an occupation in this entry and the man's name as Robert George - meaning that the entry should have been transcribed as:

    Robert George, smythe, his wyff, his dochter, George Blythe and Elspet Hendersone, servantes. [p. 351 entry 6]

    based on the transcription conventions used in the 1899 transcription.


Extracted Full Names:

Full NameOccupation
(if listed)
William Troup  3471
William Simsoneservant 3471
Thomas Elmsliewricht 3472
Patrick Johnstountailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript3473
Thomas Robertsonewobster 3474
Alexander Senzeour[servant]likely Senȝeour in the original manuscript3474
William Ailes[servant] 3474
John Adiecordiner 3475
Thomas Inneswobster 3476
John Wyllie elder elder is a description in this entry3477
James Craighead[servant] 3477
Robert Smythe[servant] 3477
Alexander Tailzeour[servant]likely Tailȝeour in the original manuscript3477
Mariorie Reid[servant] 3477
Thomas Dolaswobster 3478
Alexander Edward[servant] 3478
Williame Johnstoune[servant] 3478
Cristiane Scherer[servant] 3478
George Haldenwobster 3479
Thomas Hallservant 3479
Robert Barnetcouper 34710
George Halden  34710
Gilbert Robertsounewobster 34711
John Wyllie younger younger is a description in this entry34712
John Cowtailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript34713
Meriorie Wode  34713
George Smallwobster 34714
Andro Cuthbertservant 34714
Hendrie Annand  34715
Alexander Volume  34716
Agnes Kellieservant 34716
Androw Youngsonewobster 3481
James . . .[servant]periods in transcription likely indicate an illegible surname3481
John Crewie[servant] 3481
Johne Moir[servant] 3481
Margaret Littilljohne[servant] 3481
Andro Boynetailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript3482
James Howatservant 3482
Andro Jaffray  3483
Gilbert Clerke  3484
William Blake  3485
Elspet Troup  3486
Peter Barnet  3487
Johne Porterwricht 3488
James Skedwaywobster 3489
Johne Andersonetailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript34810
Andro Duthie[servant] 34810
Arthour Andersone[servant] 34810
Agnes Walker[servant] 34810
Williame Gordoun title "Doctor" precedes given name34811
James Rainie[servant] 34811
George Milne[servant] 34811
Jeane Chalmer[servant] 34811
Jane Still[servant] 34811
James Innes  34812
Patrick Davidsone[servant] 34812
Andro Bartlet[servant] 34812
Williame Gordoune[servant] 34812
Issobell Gibsone[servant] 34812
Cristiane Pattone[servant] 34812
Thomas Merser  34813
Robert and Alexander Volumes[servants]two people - surname is in a plural form34813
James Donald[servant] 34813
Elspet Gray[servant] 34813
Elspet Hendrie[servant] 34813
John Linsietailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript34814
Andro Davidsone[servant] 34814
Jeane Wagrellis[servant] 34814
Marioune Nisbitbreadseller 34815
Arthour Gibsonewricht 34816
George Volumemuxter 34817
Beatrix Cheilles  34818
Williame Hunterhusbandman 34819
Issobell Nicollservant 34819
Alexander Coulles  34820
James Lawwobster 34821
James Irwing[servant] 34821
Elspet Aberdour[servant] 34821
Issobell Kelmankailseller 34822
Thomas Cruikshankecordiner 34823
Helene Cumingservant 34823
Elspet Lawbreidseller 3491
Robert Lawwobster 3492
Andro Adamecordiner 3493
Gilbert Forsyithservant 3493
John Mackrines  3494
Margret Watsone[servant] 3494
Margret Williamsone[servant] 3494
Agnes Moriesone  3495
Alexander Wadiebaxter 3496
William Forsyithcordiner 3497
Williame Hayis land surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3497
John Rolliewobster 3498
Alexander Drone[servant] 3498
Issobell Nicol[servant] 3498
Alexander Drone  3498
William Hayes land surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3498
Cristiane Haybreidseller 3499
Bessie Watsoneservant 3499
Androw Hendersonewobster 34910
Thomas Stewinsoune[servant] 34910
Lawrence Gray[servant] 34910
Johne Thomsone[servant] 34910
Robert Ros[servant] 34910
James Deanes[servant] 34910
Cristiane Schives[servant] 34910
Margret Broune[servant] 34910
George King  34911
Thomas Volume[servant] 34911
Janet Farquharsone[servant] 34911
Williame Auld  34912
David Abellwobster 34913
George Collie[servant] 34913
Robert Glenie[servant] 34913
Alexander Peirie[servant] 34913
Alexander Thomsone[servant] 34913
Gilbert Blinschell[servant] 34913
William Ailes[servant] 34913
William Simmer[servant] 34913
Margaret Courage[servant] 34913
Janet Gartlie[servant] 34913
WIlliame Johnestounesmythe 34914
David Leechesub-principall 34915
Johne Forbes  34916
James Still[servant] 34916
Bessie Couttes[servant] 34916
Andrew Kingmerchant 34917
Elspet Graypuddinwricht 34918
Williame Hayes land surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description34918
Williame Hayskinner 34919
Patrick Duncanservant 34919
Robert Rossworkman 34920
Alexander Telliehusbandman 34921
Jeane Watservant 34921
Johne Mersersmythe 34922
Jeane Irwingbrowster 3501
Annas Lumsden[servant] 3501
Alexander Tellies land surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3501
Meriorie Guthrie  3502
Johne Mersers land surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3502
Robert Ortounelaxfisher 3503
Elspet Heruieservant 3503
Johne Smythegairdner 3504
Margret Orumservant 3504
Margaret Couper  3505
Johne Smythes hous surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3505
Johne Bauerlaycordiner 3506
Elspet Jaffreybreidseller 3507
Margret Boyesbreidseller 3508
Johne Blakis form of entry implies that this surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description3508
Cristiane Robertsone  3509
Issobell Paterson  3509
Alexander Barnettailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript35010
Annable Fullartounsewster 35011
Thomas Bauerlay  35012
Williame Knolles  35013
Issobell Lambservant 35013
James Andersonecordiner 35014
Archibald Smythenet wywer 35015
Merione Hayservant 35015
Elspet Forsyithe  35016
Adame Bauerlay  35017
Robert Willoxstaibler 35018
Alexander Schandgairdner 35019
Margret Andersoneservant 35019
Alexander Gordoun  35020
George Clerke  35021
Janet Gariocheservant 35022
Gilbert Bauerlayhusbandman 35023
George Chalmerflescher 35024
John and Margret Grayes two people - surname is in a plural form35024
Agnes Gordone  35025
Janet Gormake  35025
Andro Coutteswricht 35026
Alexander Leslie  35027
Hector Rosscordiner 35028
William Andersonecordiner 35029
Issobell Smythekailseller 3511
Katharin Paipservant 3511
James Dauidsonewobster 3512
Barbara Forsytheservant 3512
Robert Andersonecordiner 3513
Elspet Cattoservant 3513
William Nicollwobster 3514
William Willoxspinster 3515
Williame Nicoll's land The apostrophe shown here is almost certainly a 19th C transcription editorial addition;
see the "Punctuation and Capitalization" section in the Introduction to this article.
John Gordon of Deuchries  3516
William Chrystie[servant] 3516
Agnes Farquhassone[servant] 3516
William Maxuell  3517
Harie Kempkeiper 3518
Meriore Hogservant 3518
William Buchaneflescher 3519
Issobell Stewartservant 3519
Margaret Blakburne  35110
Janet Bairdservant 35110
William Gibsonehusbandman 35111
Meriorie Stewartservant 35111
Alexander Hantoun  35112
Issobell Gawinebrewster 35113
            Forsythe blank space in transcription indicates a missing or illegible given name35113
Robert Blinschellflescher 35114
Janet Fergusoneservant 35114
William Nicol youngerwobsteryounger is a description in this entry35115
Robert Nicol  35116
Alexander Vrichtcouper 35117
Johne Cruikshankheilmaker 35118
Janet Stannerisservant 35118
Johne Kedietailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript35119
Elspet Lesliecustomer 35120
Robert Jakegairdner 35121
Issobell Carnecorse  35122
Elspet Norie  35122
Johne Gilcrystes house surname is in a possessive form as part of a land description35122
Patrick Dauidsonefischseller 35123
Issobell Gordoun  35124
Elspet Brames  35124
Johne Lawwobster 35125
Johne Lidinghamservant 35125
Mariorie Hay  35126
Patricke Citchietailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript35126
George Zoungsonewobsterlikely Ȝoungsone in the original manuscript35127
Alexander Cruikshankbook binder 3521
Elspet Torrieshanker 3522
Elspet Petrieservant 3522
James Aileswobster 3523
Andro Barkersmythe 3524
Alexander Guthriesaidler 3525
Thomas Simsonemerchand 3526
Elspet Smytheservant 3526
Robert Menziesskinnerlikely Menȝies in the original manuscript3527
Beatrix Frenchservant 3527
Thomas Spenscuike 3528
Agnes Wilsoneservant 3528
Andro Grayflescher 3529
Robert Oremcordiner 35210
Johne Andersonecordiner 35211
Johne Hutcheon  35211
Elspet Gerretservant 35211
Cristiane Blakburne  35212
Helene Sibbald  35212
Beatrix Torrie  35213
Bessie Gray  35213
Margaret Sangster  35214
Janet Hendersoneservant 35214
Walter Sinclairwricht 35215
Nicoll Torriehusbandman 35216
James Tailyeour  35217
George Moirsmythe 35218
Mariore Simsonebrowster 35219
Elspet Hayservant 35219
Thomas Meguswobster 35220
William Vobster[servant] 35220
Issobell Brine[servant] 35220
Janet Blake and Margret Settounspinsteris and sewsteristwo people35221
John Mackiewobster 35222
Johne Gray[servant] 35222
Elspet Reiths[servant] 35222
Alexander Ortounbaxter 35223
Elspet Garioche[servant] 35223
Agnes Sangster[servant] 35223
Hendrie Adamecordiner 35224
Cristiane Smytheservant 35224
Walter Ortoun  3531
George and Issobell Ortounes two people - surname is in a plural form3531
George Chalmerlaxfischer 3532
Janet Torriespinster 3533
Janet Sandiespinster 3534
Dauid Simsonetraveller 3535
Androw Torriehusbandman 3536
Issobell Pantouneservant 3536
Johne Forsyith  3537
Janet Johnstouneservant 3537
Elspet Selbieshanker 3538
Johne Arthourtailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript3539
Alexander Reidwobster 35310
Janet Herevie  35311
Elspet Tailzeourcandlemakerlikely Tailȝeour in the original manuscript35312
Issobell Fraserspinster 35312
Robert Georgesmythesee note 4 above35313
George Blythe[servant] 35313
Elspet Hendersone[servant] 35313
Helene Jamesonespinster 35314
Andro Nicollhusbandman 35315
Margaret Sutherlandservant 35315
James Rainytailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript35316
Agnes Dreden, commer commer is a description in this entry35317
Donald Wrquhartgairdner 35318
John Innes[servant] 35318
Issobell Daniell[servant] 35318
Margret Tailzeour[servant]likely Tailȝeour in the original manuscript35318
George Andersonehusbandman 35319
James Anderson[servant] 35319
Meriorie Russell[servant] 35319
Elspet Robersonebreidseller 35320
Walter Cruikshankcordiner 35321
Thomas Turner  35322
Alexander GairdenAdvocattitle "Mr." precedes given name35323
Johne Wrichtservant 35323
James Watsonetailzeourlikely tailȝeour in the original manuscript35324
Janet Marspinster 35325
Meriorie Williamsoneservant 35325
Meriorie Carllbreidseller 3541
Thomas Cumingstaibler 3542
Patrick Omond  3543
Jeane Campbell  3543
Bessie Duncane  3544
Williame Fyiffmeasone 3545
George Middiltoun  3546
Alexander Lumisden[servant] 3546
Alexander Leith[servant] 3546
Jeane Gairden[servant] 3546
Cristiane Dauie[servant] 3546
Katherin Ros[servant] 3546
Margret Ross[servant] 3546
William Burnet  3547
Kathrin Pratservant 3547
John Lundie title "Mr." precedes given name3548
Kathrin Addie[servant] 3548
Janet Andro[servant] 3548
James Sime  3549
Cristopher Curlande[servant] 3549
Johne Nicolsone[servant] 3549
Rebecca Howat[servant] 3549
Margaret Cushnie[servant] 3549
Margret Lindsay[servant] 3549
Janet Gordoun  35410
Janet Scheipheard[servant] 35410
Margaret [servant] 35410
Elspet Watsone[servant] 35410
Mariorie Low[servant] 35411
Elspet Wobster[servant] 35411
Johne Ritchiebronduster 35412
William Watnotar 35413
Janet Duncanservant 35413
Johne Garioche  35414
Janet Fraser[servant] 35415
Issobell Lumsden[servant] 35415
Archbauld Bischopebelman 35417
Janet Cruikshanke  35418
Elspet Lessell  35419
John Kilgour, elder elder is a description in this entry35420
James and Harie Kilgouris two people - surname is in a plural form35420
Johne Kilgour, younger younger is a description in this entry35421
Margret Dauidsone  35421
Cristiane Cuyservant 35422
Robert Wicht[servant] 35423
Issobell Knolles[servant] 35423
Katherine Bannermane[servant] 35423
Richard Foullartoun  35424
Alexander Gordoun  35425
Agnes Millservant 35425
Barbara Fiddesspinster 35426
Alexander Scrogie title "Mr." precedes given name3551
Jeane Allane[servant] 3551
Kathrin Iruing[servant] 3551
James Foullartoun title "Mr." precedes given name3552
Agnes Duiguid  3552
Agnes Meeke, poor poor is a description in this entry3553
Johne Forbes[servant] 3554
James Reid[servant] 3554
Alexander Moubray  3555
Janet Woode, vidow vidow is a description in this entry3556
Cristiane Con  3557
Elspet Philpservant 3557
Patrick Gordoun  3558
Alexander Keythe  3558
Williame Dunne  3559
Gilbert Rose title "Mr." precedes given name35510
Issobell Iruingservant 35510
Thomas Lillie title "Mr." precedes given name35511
William Forsyithe[servant] 35511
Issobell Forbes[servant] 35511

Medieval Scotland | Medieval Names Archive | Names From Old Aberdeen, 1636
